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I'm freezing.

I move my arms but hear the clanking of chains. I move my feet and hear the clanking of chains. I open my eyes and notice I'm laying on the cold cement floor.

"Oh my god, she's awake!" Someone bellows.

I stand shakily before my legs give out from under me. I collapse into a heap onto the floor. I move my leg to stand again but it sticks to the floor for a second.

I look down and notice the blood on the floor. I look over my arms and legs to notice all the cuts and scratches.

I hear three sets of feet running down a set of stairs. I crawl as far and the chains will let me and peek through the thick cell bars. I see two godly beings walking towards the cell and one familiar one.

"Angel Adam and Angel Lance. Prince Alex, what are you doing here?" The guard announces then turns confused.

My whole body freezes and I want to hide in a corner. I crawl back until my back hits a wall.

The angels stop in front of my cell and snicker at me. "Look, she's weak now."

I stay quiet and unfurl my wings. They shut up and stare at me. Alex looks away before I can figure out the emotion in his eyes.

"Get Angel Claire!" One of the two yell.

I bring my wings back and watch the angels with amusement while sitting cross legged. The guard runs off. Alex turns back towards me but I keep my attention on the angels.

"Who are you?" Some of the angels ask.

I remain quiet just to piss them off. Alex smirks.

"Who. Are. You!?" The other bellows, gripping the cell suddenly.

"That is my daughter!" Claire bellows at the two boys.

I stand shakily and notice Alex ball his hands into fists. I pull my shoulders back and stand with the confidence any royal would wear.

"Princess Ash Demon from the royal court of the demons. Daughter of Lucifer and Angel Claire." I state my title.

They all gasp excpet for Alex.

"You asked who I was and I told you." I shake the chains off, which disintegrate into ash. I swirl my hands and watch the ash come into my palm. I close my eyes and use the ash for power.

I open my glowing eyes and meet all theirs. "Now, who are you?"

"Your mate. You have some explaining to do." Alex steps forward and speaks.

I nod with a frown.

"Show us your wings again." One of the angels snaps.

I act shocked. "I thought angels were the nice ones."

"Ash, can we please see your wings?" Claire asks nicely.

I smile and nod, unfurling my wings again. Claire gasps. I walk up to the cell door and shake it in anger.

"Let me out! I don't feel my demon anymore!" I growl out.

My left side still has the white wings and my right side has gray wings. I stretch them out and stare at my wings in shock. I reach out to touch it and feel an ashy texture.

My eyes widen and I shake my wings. The gray layer falls off and a white wing shows up.

"Well shit." I muttter before everyone starts arguing.

Alex bolts over to the door and unlocks it. He offers his hand to me which I happily take. He motions to my wings and I pull them in. He pulls me down the corridor and up the stairs quickly. He runs down the grand hallway with me on his tail. I notice it is the hall I appeared in when I escaped from the torture rooms.

He pulls me up the stairs and into his room. I step in and he shuts the door behind me with a click.

I run my hands through my hair. Oh my god. What will dad think? Will he disown me as his child? Will I ever be accepted back home? Does this mean I'm an angel now? Will the angel accept me if I am? Is my demon dead?

So many questions run through my mind.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Alex asks quietly. He stands in front of me with his hands on my shoulders.

"A-aren't you a-afraid of me?" I stutter.

He shakes his head. "You never harmed me when your demon when on a killing spree."

I begin to cry. "I-I-I'm s-so sorry."

He frowns and pulls me into his embrace. I rest my head on his shoulder and cry. He rubs my back soothingly.

"It isn't your fault." He mutters over and over.

He let's me cry for what feel like days but is only about an hour or two.

"What did my demon do?" I ask suddenly.

"Killed about a dozen guards and a few dozen wolves."

I groan and fall to the floor. Alex looks shocked before crouching in front of me.

"My demon is gone. I can't feel it anymore. All I want to do is help people and kill demons." I groan out.

"Well, at least you aren't unacceptable to my parents anymore." Alex tries to joke. Keyword: tries.

I tilt my head up and glare at him. "I can't kill my best friend, Alex. What if you killed Ethan?"

His face turns sad. "I wouldn't live with myself."

I nod. "Exactly."

I hear angry stomping up the stairs and down the hall. I dive under the bed and Alex stands.

The door slams open. "Alex! You let a prisoner free!?" The king's voice bellows.

"She saved my life father! I owed her! The angels were going to kill her!" Alex yells back.

"You will respect me. I am not only your father but your king. I want that girl in my office in ten mintues." The king states firmly before walking away.

I roll out from under the bed until something stops me. I look up and see Alex looking down at me with a brow raised.

I give him a smile. "Well hello there."

"Ash, Aziel is coming to you. Hope you enjoy his company." Damien warns me through mindlink.

"Aziel?" I ask out loud. I roll over to my stomach and stand up.

"Who's that?" Alex asks.

"Why Aziel?" I ask.

"I have no clue. Have fun baby sis." Damien says and shuts me out.

I growl in anger and run a hand through my hair. "Aziel. An old friend of mine." I tell Alex. I see fury show up on his face.

The Prince's Demon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now