34-A technique used by many animals

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"Arnen!" I gasp out.

He flashes me a heart stopping smile. "What an honor, my lady. But in my mind I would prefer to be straddled in bed but you know, I'm up for whatever." He purrs out.

"Do you know who I am?" I growl out lowly.

"A fighter that knows her demons."

Keyon walks over and tenses beside me. "Arnen? Aren't you suppose to be at home preparing to take over Xiamar's job?"

"This is my job! Take out the prince and earn Ash as a reward."

"Son of a bitch!" I growl out, lifting the staff higher, the sound of scurrying away and guards entering is completely useless on my advanced hearing. "I am not some trophy to be won!"

Arnen's brown eyes widen. "Princess? I really meant my statement earlier then. I would love to have you straddling me like this on your bed."

I growl and knock him out with my staff. I stand off of him before arms brush my arms. I look to see my marks showing again.

"Princess." The guards bow to me.

Fuck a duck! I stand and grab the handcuff which burn slightly in my hands.

I drag Arnen behind me as everyone scurries out of my way. I look over to the king and nod, my contacts dissolved. Alex gasps and tries to come towards me but the guards hold him back at my command.

"Ash! Please!" He crys out.

I turn my back on him and drag my soon to be fiancé out of the ball and towards the portal.

Keyon follows beside me silently not saying a word about the tears streaming down my face.

"I'm going to miss you, Ash. Come and visit." He mutters and kisses my forehead.

"You bet, Key." I mutter and walk through the portal with my staff and assassin in each hand.


"Ash, I truely am sorry. I didn't know that you were protecting him. I didn't even smell you!" Arnen replies in his defense for the hundredth time, running his hands through is brown hair, making me slightly drool.

I walk up to his chained form and rub my hand across his stuble. His eyes close and I feel contentment with his demon.

"Your highness, please." He growls lowly, straining against the chains.

"Arnen, please understand. You need to be punished for a while. Let me clear my head and talk to my father. Then I will be back for you. I swear on it."

"Then I will wait on you, Ash." Is his reply.

I close the cell door behind me and make my way up to the first sector to go home.

"Princess, your father ordered us to escort you home." A guard pipes up.

I nod and continue to walk home with the silent tears running down my face. I'm going to miss him, even if I only knew him for two weeks.

The mate bond, darling. It is controlling.

I fall to my knees in pain and let the tears comtrol me. I don't care if everyone can see their future queen crying. Someone picks me up and carries me the rest of the way home.

Hushed whispers are traveling around me but I ignore them. The pain of rejecting my mate almost unbareable.

"G-get m-my...brothers!" I cry out.

I hear feet running ahead before I bury my face into the guards chest.

I feel my demon slowly dieing inside and my angel seems to be crying. Me? I'm breaking down.

"Ash!" Damien yells. I feel arms move me and pull me against a warm chest. My hand fists his shirt as I cry against his shoulder.

"What's wrong? What did you do!?" Damine growls at the guard.

'N-nothing, your highness. S-she broke down in the middle of the floor!" The guard stutters.

"Where was she coming from?"

"Damien, take your sister to her room and watch over her. I'm going to send someone and I want her demon to attach to him. Am I clear?" My father commands.

"Her demon can't just attach to anyone!"

"After a mate rejection, yes, it will attach to anyone who swears to care for it."

"What did you do!?" Jessie yells, anger evident in his voice.

"Take her to her room and watch over her! Now!" Lucifer snarls.

I bury my face into the chest and cry as the person carries me up the stairs and sets me on my bed. They pull away for a second, enough time for me to crawl into a ball and bury myself under the sheets.

"Hey? Ash? Whatcha doing?" Damien asks quietly.

"She is burrowing, my dear brother. A technique used by many animals." Jessie responds, making me chuckle a little.

"What was that? Did I hear a...chuckle!?" Jesske gasps. Someone grabs the blankets and tries to pull it off of me. My hand fists the blanket as I wrap it around me, officially cacooning myself.

"Maybe when she leaves she will be pretty?" Damien whispers, understanding that I am cacooning myself. I growl and kick out blindly. I must hit him because I hear a grunt before someone falling to the floor in pain.

"Looks like she doesn't agree with you. I think she is pretty all on her own." Jessie says then whispers, "I stood up for you Ash, please don't kick me!"

I grunt and fall on my side, numbness taking over before searing pain. I scream out and the blanket is ripped from around me. I twist and turn, trying to make the pain lessen but it only seems to worsen.

"Dad! Hurry up!" Damien screams out, touching my leg. The pain lessens where he touches. I gasp out and his eye widen in realization.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" He says on repeat. Jessie looks over and his eyes widen. His hands land on my shoulders and the heat disappears.

I sigh in relief and squeeze my eyes tightly. "W-what's w-wron-ong w-with me?"

"Your demon is killing itself from the rejection of your mate. The only thing keeping you alive is your angel fighting for you. If we can get whoever the fuck dad wants you to be mates with here, maybe, just maybe, we can get your demon to attach to theirs like a second mate."

"I'm fucking dieing!?" I growl out, all pain gone in my desperation to figure out if I will live to see my best friend ever again.

Damien nods, slowly and sadly. "And with the rate it is going at...I say you have two hours."

I scream out when I feel burning start from my stomach and travel down. "Stop it please!" I cry out.

"We can't, darling, but Arnen can." My father's voice speaks up. I look up as he brushes hair from my sweating face. Beside him is a scared looking Arnen.

Oh no.

The Prince's Demon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now