29-I didn't choose him, he was choosen for me.

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All the angel's mouths drop open in shock. And I mean all. Alex struggles to get them to release him and get over to me.

"Release him, now!" I growl out, power leaking from me even with the necklace on.

A few obey me and release a hold on their prince.

"Take off the necklace then, demon. Show us you are one of us." An older angel says.

I smile and grip the necklace. "Nope! I don't want to die."

"Ash, just show them your wings." Claire, my mother, says.

I look over to her. "If my father finds me, you all are dead. I'm wearing this-"

I get cut off by the main doors slamming open and something hitting me. I fly back and slam on the floor, sliding by the force.

I roll over with a groan and look to see one of my dad's best hunters grinning at me, his wings on full display.

"Well fuck." I groan, ripping the necklace off and letting my wings unfurl. I stretch them out to see one black and one white. I grin and feel fangs appear while my marks begin to glow.

"Hello there, Xaimar. Long time no see." I say sweetly, my staff appearing in my hands.

The king, queen, and Alex back away in fear. The angels stand defensively in front of them, watching me and the captian of the hunters glare each other down.

"Your father has gone through a lot of work to find you. If it wasn't for me then we would have never found you." Xaimar says.

"Well, you little son of a bitch, you ruined my plans for the evening." I growl out.

He looks around the room with his nose up before his eyes narrow on Alex. He lifts a dagger and a snarl, dangerous enough to make everyone drop to their knees, comes from me.

"Mine, you will not harm what is mine!" My voice is deep and guttural.

Xaimar blinks at me before a wicked smirk makes a way onto his face. "This?" He points to Alex with the dagger. "This human is yours?"

I stand straight and spin my staff in my hand. "I don't think you want to find out or even face the consequences if you find who I am talking about."

He throws the dagger straight at Alex before running off. I pull my wings in and jump towards the flying dagger, catching it in my shoulder and protecting Alex from a dagger to the chest. I fall on the floor, dropping my staff, before standing up. I yank the dagger from my shoulder and chase after Xaimar. Not caring about any of the angels, just wanting blood from the one who tried to kill Alex.

"You can run but you can't hide!" I yell out, following Xiamar down the steps. I pull my arm back the throw the dagger but a warm hand grips my wrist.

All the anger drains from me only to be replaced my fear. "Fuck!"

"Yeah, fuck. What did I tell you?" My father growls in my ear.

"After the ball, my mission will be complete, then I can go home."

I see Xiamar walking towards me with a small smirk. I snarl at him, trying to break from my father's grasp to harm the one who threatened the life of my mate.

"Xiamar! What did you do to provoke her demon?" My father snaps, yanking me backwards and clipping iron handcuffs on me.

"Not just her demon sir, but her angel too." Someone says timidly.

I look from the corner of my eyes to see a small girl.

"Belle! Get back here!" Issac yells out.

Time speeds up for everyone but me, in which seems goes slower. My father turns to look at my youngest sister while I break the cuffs, manifesting my staff and hitting Xiamar on the temple, effectively killing him.

I spin on my heels and my wings unfurl quickly, catching the attention of a few demons lurking around. I launch myself at Belle, grabbing her in my arms and blocking her from my father's harmful fist, which lands on my back.

I hear screams and fury takes over me. I ignore all the pain and stand up straight, letting Belle go. She runs off to mom before I face my father.

"You wanted to kill a girl. A little girl. My little sister." I growl out.

My father's eyes flicker between brown and black before turning red. "You ungrateful little bitch! I give you whatever the hell you want and you repay me by choosing a low human as a mate!"

"I DID NOT CHOOSE HIM! HE WAS FATED FOR ME FOR FUCKS SAKE!" I bellow at the top of my lungs, tired of this bullshit.

The palace becomes silent. Quiet enough that someone could drop a pin and you would be able to hear it.

"I didn't choose him, he was choosen for me. You know, the whole soul mate crap? That shit? Yeah, I am one of the few demons that have that then add my half angel side in and bam! I have a fucking mate."

"I can solve the whole problem. Want to see how?" The smirk on my father's face makes a possessive growl escape.

"You won't harm him."

"He will kill you! Not only is he a hunter but you need things only home can provide!"

I fall silent and all my fight disappears. Dad won this round. I pull my wings in and look to the floor.

"Ash! Please!" Alex crys out, almost bringing tears to my eyes.

"Little human, she wants to live. You mean nothing to her unless you can provide what she needs to live." My dad sneers at Alex, who stands still. I look up to see tears in his eyes.

I'm so so sorry. I never thought about any of this. I never expected to get a mate. I never wanted one, I just wanted someone to trust other than my brothers. Trust me, love, this hurts me just as much as you. I want to stay with you, I love you, Alex. Please understand this, I never meant to cause you any harm. I never meant to be the worst mate in history. Even Ethan and Keyon are handling this better than us.

I guess opposites don't attract well. A hunter and the hunted. One who fights to kill and who who fights to live.

"Damien! Jessie!" I scream out, hoping my two brothers will help me. I feel something hit the back of my head, making me fall to the floor. Black dots begin to take over my vision and standing up is a struggle. I feel two different hands on me before the blackness completely takes over.

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