11- the easy way

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"Keyon!?" I gasp out. He turns to look at who said his real name and his eyes widen.

"Bloody hell! Ash!" Keyon yells shocked.

I jump off the stairs and pin him to the floor, sliding a couple feet from the impact. "Did you send those four?" I growl lowly.

"I let them through because Damien and Jessie told me to. Why? What did they do?" Keyon rushes out.

"Ash, get off him." Ethan growls.

"You sent them through and they gave him a dirty look. They were going to hurt him, Keyon." I send it to him mentally.

"Why is the prince so important to you? He isn't family and you've never been this protective over a human before."

Someone grabs the back of my shirt and throws me. My back hits the railing making me see spots before falling to the floor on my stomach. I groan in pain into the floor.

"What the hell is going on!?" A voice bellows from behind me. I lift my head and see a older looking Alex. He has gray eyes but black hair. He is also pale.

"Your highness, Ash attacked my mate." Ethan says. I turn my head towards him and see his arm around Keyon while Keyon looks shocked as hell.

The king turns his gaze to me. "Ash...that name sounds very familiar." He looks off into space for a little while and the suddenly motions guards to appear.

My eyes widen and they grab me roughly.

"Follow me."

They drag me behind then and follow the king. Ethan watches with a curious expression.


He looks torn before bolting away and up the stairs. Keyon runs towards me but is held back by guards. Panic begins in me and I start to struggle in their grasp.

"Keyon...please," I yell. "Help me!"

He pushes past the guards and runs towards me. I try planting my feet on the floor but it slides because of the damn tile!

I grab their arms and pull myself up. I swing a leg out and one falls. I actually get to have my feet on the floor and kick the other one, making him fly into the wall.

I begin running towards Keyon. He freezes midstep with his eyes wide. I stop which results in me sliding, and face the king only to be knocked to the floor harshly. My head hits the tile with a loud thud and blackness takes over.


"Wake up, bastard child." Someone says harshly in my ear.

I open my eyes slowly and a groan escapes me. I feel my arms beging held above me and something burning my wrists and ankles. I come face to face with two sharp gray eyes. The smell of blood is bad but I can live with it. Same with the smell of death.

"Sir, what am I doing here?" I ask nicely.

"Oh stop acting demon. I know who your father is and exactly who you are." He spats out.

"I haven't done shit to you. So why am I here?"

"You, little princess, have a lot of information to tell me." He sneers.

I give him my best emotionless glare. "I have nothing you need."

He sighs. "Oh I knew you were going to say that. I just wanted to see if you were going to do it the easy way." He walks away and I pull down on the chains.

I hiss in pain and stand up. I walk forward but am restricted by the ankle cuffs.

"Now, we can play." The king walks back in with a large iron dagger.

I gulp and back away some. He stops moving towards me. "Oh, I'm sorry. Does this stuff hurt you?"

"Hunter, I swear I did nothing wrong here." The chains cling and clank together with every movement I make.

"It's King Marcus to you, demon." He spats. "And now for punishment since you disrespected me." I open my mouth to ask what he means but get stabbed in the stomach. I scream in pain and he twists the dagger.

I see my deep red blood begin to come from the wound and fear strikes through me. I can't die! I'm too young and I need to see Issac and Belle one more time.

"Is it true that if someone has demon blood they can control the demon?"

He pulls the dagger out and the amount of blood increases. King Marcus walks away and I begin to heal quickly. I take deep breaths to labor the pain. He walks back in with a vial and collects the pool of blood on the floor.

"Princess, tell me something. Is male the dominate gender where you are?"

How does he know about the withdrawal of girls?

"Time is ticking, princess." He says impatiently.

I will not disappoint my kingdom.

"Time's up!" He sings out. He trails the dagger across my arm, my marks to be exact. Drawing an ear piercing scream to come from me.

"Next question. Who's the next ruler in line?"

Damien you better as hell treat me nicely after this. Your ego is too big.

I close my eyes. "No one."

"Lie!" He yells out and slashes my other arm.

The smell of blood hits my nose hard and I gag. I get a small whiff of wolf and vampire from the other parts of the room.

"Now, answer me. Or your life will end early."

"Do it! I want to so why won't you!? You think my life is nice in hell? You think my brothers like having competition for the throne? You think I like being pushed around!?" I snarl at him. I hear other snarls of the vampires.

King Marcus leans back from me. "Well, you are a royal. I was just guessing on that part. And brother! I knew it!"

My eyes widen. Fuck, what did I just do!?

"Now that I have that information, I can call them up to "resuce" you but lead them to their death! The perfect idea!" He says to himself.

He stabs me in the chest this time and I scream in pain. I fall to my knees and my hands snap above me because of the chains.

I feel as if I'm burning from the inside out. Black dots cover my vision from the loss of blood. He pulls the dagger from my chest and I hear the swashing of water in a cup. I lift my head up slightly and earn droplets in the face. I yelp when they slightly heat up my face.

I'm not pure demon. Thank god for that.

I hear something hitting the side of a cup and feet crouch in front of me.

"Little princess, tell me one thing and I'll show you mercy." King Marcus says.

He lifts my chin up roughly and tightens his grip on my jaw.

"Why do you kill off everything?" He asks.

I laugh but it has no humor in it. "Stupid human, I kill everything. Wolves, vampires, fae, and last but not the least humans. They give me my most power."

He frowns. "Wrong answer!" And then stabs me. I scream again but this time it isn't of just pain. It's of pain and loss.

Loss of what I could ever want. A life of happiness is all I want. Someone to love, not having to worry about ever dealing with royal families, about siblings, and work. I just want a normal life. I wish none of this supernatural species crap existed and all there was was humans.

The dagger in me gives off heat. Oh god, I really am going to burn from the inside out. He used holy water.

"Help me....please...anyone." I whisper out.

My eyes start to close against my will and I collapse in a puddle of my own blood and laughter. Evil laughter.

The Prince's Demon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now