17- so that's what is wrong with me

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Keyon gets up from beside me and the pain begins to fill me again. My stomach feels horrible as if I'm going to- nevermind, I did vomit.

"Ash!" Everyone says before rushing at me. Keyon sits beside me and places his hand back on my back. The tracker drops Alex and bolts to my left side, doing the same thing.

"Princess! We have to get you to the doctor," the tracker tells me.

"Ash, sweetheart, what's going on?" Alex asks, crouching down beside Keyon and pulling my hair from my face.

More vomit comes up, burning my throat. What is happening to me? Why does it feel as if my insides want to kill me?

I scream out in pain and drop my head to the cold surface of the floor. I feel three hands rub my back and my back starts to itch where my wings would come from. My stomach and intestines begin to burn like someone lit then on fire.

"Doctor!" Someone yells.

Whats wrong with me!? Someone please save me!

I black out from the pain.


I hear sobbing. Who could be sobbing? I know no females anymore.

"Damn humans are so emotional," someone grumbles.

A snarl breaks through me. My eyes snap open and I glare at the one who insulted my mate. The tracker from earlier cowers back. Alex is by my side and his hands are holding my arm.

I begin to calm down some. I look over to him and rest my head against his chest. He strokes my arm.

"You're awake! Wonderful!" The doctor says, walking into the room. I look towards him but keep my head against Alex.

"What's wrong with me?" My voice cracks. I'm scared of what his answer mught be.

"Since you came into your powers, your angel and demon are there. It is in demon nature to hunt angels and in angels nature to hunt demons. To cut this short, your angel and demon are fighting for control. You have to balance them or you will die from the fighting." The doctor looks at the clipboard and skims through all the papers.

I look up and see Alex looking at me already. "I will help you balance your demon and angel," he says then kisses me on the nose.

"Ash," I turn my gaze to him. "Your demon and angel side will take full control sometimes. You might not want to be near your lover while you are going through this." The doctor warns me.

"Mate. I'm her soul mate." Alex tells him.

The doctor looks shocked. "Well, I didn't know our kind still had mates."

I nod and Alex pulls me closer to him. The sparks engulf me and I relax against him. My head lowers and my ear is against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

"I'm going to take her home. Maybe the angels will know how to help her." Alex tells someone. I look up to see Damien in the room. He gives me a small smile.

"How ya doing, baby sis?" He pushes my hair from my forehead.

"I feel as if in dieing from the inside out," I tell him honestly. "I wish it would just stop."

He kisses my forehead and lifts his head to look at Alex. "Take good care of my sister. I'm letting you take her but I will be checking in at random times. I'm sending Keyon with you so he can report back to me."

"Fair enough," Alex picks me up.

I lay against him and let him carry my whole weight. I close my eyes and focus on the heartbeat.

The Prince's Demon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now