12- captive

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"Psst, hey, chica!" Someone yells.

I crack my eyes open to see another room but this one has weapons all over it. Some of silver, some of wood, some of iron, and some normal?

"Psst, chica, behind you." The voice says quieter this time.

I turn my head and come face to face with a really dark tanned guy. He looks like he's in his mid thirties.

"You're alive, good for that! I'm Marco, and that guy over there is Tom." He nods his head to a pale guy in the corner who looks low thirties. "I'm a wolf and he's a vampire."

"We tresspassed the Alpha's pack line and thats how I'm here. I was just going to see my beloved." Tom says with a thick accent. I can't seem to recall from where.

"I was a pack that got taken over by this alpha. Hope he dies in fucking hell!" Marco spats.

"Why are you here, sweetheart?" Tom asks.

"King Marcus brought me here." I say with venom. "I was minding my own damn buisness but he decided to drag me from everyone and take me to wherever the hell we are."

"What are you?" Marco asks curiously.

"Someone higher than both of you." I tug on the cuffs and see they are iron still. I growl in anger and try my feet to see they are free. I grin and stand. Metal breaks with enough force. I walk over to a wall and slam the chair against it, probably looking like a dumbass.

The chair bends until I can wiggle my way out of it. The chains on my stomach hit my stab wounds and I yell out expletives no innocent would know. I pull the cuffs from behind me to the front. I use my hands to slowly get the chains off while not burning myself. They fall to the floor and I lift my shirt to see three stab wounds and multiple slashes.

All around the wounds it is red and puffy. I look over the rest of my body and see I'm covered in dry blood.

I look over to the vampire and wolf. They are looking at me in shock.

"I'm a royal demon. Lot stronger than your average demon. Also more powerful." I walk up to the wall of weapons. "Who guards the halls?"

"Wolves," Tom says. "I can smell them." I sniff the air but smell only blood and death. I gag and grab a silver sword. I place a wooden stake between my pants loop and my skin. I walk over to the vampire and crouch in front of him. I meet his eyes and use compulsion, the very last bit of power I have.

"What's the real reason you are here?"

"I went to attack the queen and failed. Heard her blood is as sweet as any candy." He says in a monotone voice.

"Do you have a beloved?"

"No, she was killed years ago." I take the stake and stab in into his heart.

He disintegrates into ash and I smile. I motion for it to come to me and it lays in my hand. I chant and it catches fire. I close my hand around it and feel my power coming back slightly. The fire dies down and nothing is left in my hand. I look towards the wolf and see confusion.

"Do you have a mate?" I ask, using compulsion.

"No, never met her."

"Good." I stab him in the heart and the blood pours from his chest. He screams out in pain. I pull the sword out and walk towards the door. It slams out and a dozen wolves with crossbows enter and aim at me.

"Drop the weapon!" They order.

One walks in with iron chains and my hope falls. I swing the sword out and hit one in the chest the spin and hit another in the neck. I feel an arrow hit me then another but I don't stop fighting to escape.

The Prince's Demon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now