4- questions

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"Where were you?!" That angry voice makes me freeze midstep. I look up and see dad standing at the top of the stairs with a few guards behind him.

"I had to go talk to someone and thought to drag Ash along." Damien lies smoothly. He steps beside me.

"I've been trying to contact you for twenty mintues now, Ash. Twenty mintues. You should be glad I didn't order guards to start searching for you."

"Sorry dad." I say sheepishly before bolting down the hall towards the training room. I open the door and see three knices thrown at me. I duck and roll. I look up to see the trainer looking worried for a second.

"Ah, Princess Ash. I see you brought your staff. Are you here for training?" The trainer asks.

"Nope. Damien should be coming soon." I infrom him and head to the center mat. Damien walks in and looks mad. "What's wrong?"

"Our father told me about your mission and how I have to be your partner this time, not Jessie. He said he has a plan for Jessie."

"And? I don't see why you are so mad about it."

He walks towards me slowly and grabs a staff from the wall. "Well, baby sis, what I am pissed about is that he is sending a 16 year old on an assassin mission. To convince him to not kill the prince. That my baby sister will have a mate that she has to save."

Damien swings the staff out and I block it with mine. He pulls back and swings. I block and press forward causing him to step back.

"I don't want my fucking baby sister going out alone! I dont want her to have a boyfriend or anyone!" Damien snaps and attacks me. I lundge and block his attacks.

I'm so friggen glad he has a staff, his worst fighting weapon.

I hear a whistle and spin to look behind me. I see Keyon and dad watching before I quickly spin back around and whack Damien on the side with force. He falls to the floor before swiping out and knocking my feet from under me.

I land on my back with a thud. Damien stands and holds his side. I stand too and reach for my staff but recieve a kick in the side. I fly onto my back and gasp in air. I roll over and jump up really quickly.

Damien stalks towards me, growling. I growl back and circle around him.

He stops and spins to face me, not letting his back be open. I leap towards him and pin him to the floor. He throws me off of him and I land in a crouch. He lundges at me and I jump above him so his face lands stright into the mat. I swiftly grab my staff and swing back. I hear a thunk and turn to see Damien holding his head.

"Son of a bitch!" He shouts.

I break into laughter. Laughter so bad I earned a smack on the back of the head from dad. I give him a baffled look. "I didn't do anything!"

"You nearly knocked your brother unconscious." Dad scolds me. I scoff and cross my arms over my chest.

"I was defending myself. You were watching."

"I would slap him too but you beat him enough for that." I smirk and stuck my tongue out at Damien. He growls and lundges at me. Dad grabs him by the shirt and holds him still. I run off laughing. I run up to my room and place my staff in her special case.

Each of us royal children have one weapon we all excel in. Damien in crossbow and anything related to that. Jessie is a sword and I am stuck with the staff. How did I get stuck with that? I don't know. I just happened to be awesome with this one.

I look to my desk and grab the assignment folder. I open it and a sticky note falls to the floor.

Subject hasn't needed memory erased yet. Four failed attempts of murder. Angels gave up on him (too many tries of being killed) but don't care about his soul.

Memory hasn't been erased? Is he a supernatural then? And the four failed attempts of murder? I've never heard of an assassin group failing that bad ever.

"Damien?" I ask through the link.

"What?" He says quietly.

"I'm sorry for whacking you up the head but I have a question."

"Ask away."

"Do you think Mary will know if the prince is a supernatural?" I ask hopefully.

"No. Well, I don't know but I can go send Jessie to ask or I will go if it makes this any easier for you."

"Yes please. I think that would make it easier." I mutter.

"On it then!" Damien says quickly.

I sigh and lean back in my chair. I rest my feet on my desk and close my eyes.


I see an elegant ballroom with hundreds of finely dressed people. I turn around and notice a light blue dress spin around my legs. I look up when someone calls my name. A guy my age walks toward me, the crowd parting when he gets closer.

"Lady Ash, would you do me the honors of the first dance?" The guys asks then bows with one hand strenched towards me.

I curtsy and place my hand in his gently, sparks flying up from our touch. "The honor is all mine, Prince Alex."

He pulls me closer to him and begins the waltz. I notice something out of the corner of my eye. The quick sparkle of metal under light. I turn my head toward the sparkle and see a dark figure aim a shiny crossbow towards the Prince.

The prince spins me out and I detach myself from his grasp and make my staff appear. I walk towards the assassin quickly, my dress fading into another outfit. I spin my staff and snarl at the assassin.


"Ash! Wake up!" Someone yells. My eyes snap open and I fall backwards. My gaze travels to a worried looking Damien and Jessie.

"Are you okay?" Jessie makes his way over to me amd picks me up.

I shake my head. "No." My voice sounds rough. Like I used it too much.

"What happened? I felt your protective instinct and your curiosity shoot up." Damien speaks up.

"Vision." I mutter confused.

I've never gotten a vision before. And the prince is my mate? What?! That only gave me more questions than answers! What is going on? Why was I so protective over him? I thought only wolves felt sparks when they touched their mates, so why did I feel them? So many questions!

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