10- worst fucking nightmare

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"Mom." I whisper out.

Angel Claire's head snaps up at the word. She stands abruptly making the chair fly from behind her. She makes her way towards me slowly as if I'm just a figment of her imagination. Her eyes hold so much hope and happiness but also worry.

I watch her with wide eyes. I see something coming towards me and I catch it. I look at the iron arrow in my hand and look up to see the angels holding crossbows. I snap the arrow and flick it back towards them.

"Ash?" Claire says. She sounds like I was dead.

"That's what you named me." I bite my cheek to keep from smiling. Stupid sarcasm come in at the worst time!

She smiles and pulls me into a tight hug. I hug her back, her scent reminding me of before I was taken.

I missed her so much. I missed a mother figure. Being the only girl is really annoying. Especially if you are one of the few hundred who survived the plague.

"My baby girl. How I've missed you. Issac misses you and Belle is learning about you. I regret not fighting to keep you for two more years. Then you would be wiser and know what to do."

I pull away slightly. "Actually, I'm doing solo missions now, dad trusts me enough to let me go all on my own although my brothers don't agree with it. Jessie is such a pain in my ass."

"How about Damien?"

"The stupid overprotective brother." I roll my eyes and avoid telling her about everything that happened.

"And him?" She says cautiously.

"Still controlling as always, but I got him wrapped around my pinkie." I say and lift my pinkie finger. Mom smiles.

"Always a good kid." Mom lets me go and stands her chair back up. "What brings you here Alex?"

"Actually miss, I came here for Ash. I wanted to see if you could find her siblings. I saw her two demonic brothers but not her two other siblings."

All the angels eyes turn to me.

"I'm the mutt guys, don't worry about me. I'm virtually harmless right now." I wave them off. Hoping they over look the right now statement.

"I can call Issac and have him come over. Right now he is babysitting Belle." My mom says.

"She's five now, right?" I ask quietly.

Mom smiles and nods. "She would love to meet you."

I smile back and my worry diappears. Issac. God how I missed him. You have no idea. And he missed me?

I suddenly get chills and feel something inside me stir. What's going on!?


My eyes snap to the door and I hear multiple footsteps thundering down the hall. I rip my necklace off and it becomes my staff. The demons stop at the doorway and look over everyone until they land on Alex. They smile and their fangs show.

I let out a vicious snarl, gaining their attention. MY HUMAN!

"Oooohhhh, a werewolf!" One of them says laughing.

I smile at them deviously. My fangs are showing and my eyes are glowing. "Think again, peasants."

They laugh at me. "You aren't royalty! None of the girls survived!"

My marks begin to glow, cause of the horrible plague, and I take slow, dangerous steps toward them.

My eyes shift colors to black just like my father's eyes. That way they know exactly who I am. "Fine, don't call me what I am. All I do know is that this isn't where you belong." I swing my staff out and it connects with one of their heads.

I call on my strength and speed. I pull back and spin the staff in my hand before whacking another in the head. They last two back away slowly.

"Who the fuck are you!?" One growls.

"Your worst fucking nightmare." I snarl. I take a deep breath to calm myself but smell wolf. I swing my staff again but another demon catches it. I place it on my shoulder and flip him over me. He flies and hits the wall head first. I place my staff firmly into the floor before spinning and hitting the last demon in the chest with a foot. I land and hold the sharp end of my staff to his throat.

"Damien or Jessie?" I ask.

His eyes widen. "I have no idea what you mean."

"Did Damien or Jessie send you four?"

He spats in my face. I wipe it with my arm and in that moment of distraction, I'm pinned to the wall.

"Lady, neither of them sent us." The one I threw into the wall says. He's the one pinning me to the wall.

"Then who?!" I snap.

He grins mischievously at me before speaking. "Keyon."

I kick him off of me. "Lies!"

"Ash! Duck!" Alex yells. I duck and roll towards my staff. I crouch and see arrows flying and hitting the demons in the chest perfectly.

I gasp and crawl backwards. Hell!

The demons stumble back and fall to the floor disintegrated, their bodies ash. I look towards the angels but see Alex holding the bow. Oh my, he really is a hunter. No one has accuracy that good on demons except hunters or other demons.

"Why did you spare her?" An angel asks Alex.

"That's also what I wanted to talk to you about. She's my mate." Alex sets the bow on the table and takes a seat. The angels do the same.

I look back to the ashes and swirl my hand. They come towards me and land in my hand. I close my eyes and chant, making the ashes turn into a source of power. I open my eyes and see a ball of fire coming from the ash.

I stare at it, hoping that it gives me something to help me through all this. I close my hand around it and let the fire calm my demon and give it her power. A strong demon is a powerful demon. A strong person is a force not to be messed with. I open my hand and see it is empty, like it's suppose to be.

I hear a throat clear and quickly look to see everyone staring at me. I stand and straighten my shirt. "I cleaned up the mess."

The angels look unimpressed but Alex looks shocked.

"My name is Ash, my power can come from ashes. It is the cleanest form of power for me." I explain to Alex.

He nods and turns towards the angels. "What should I do?" He asks them.

The scent of wolf is stronger. I turn around and see Ethan standing there, worry and happiness etched on his face.

I smile and walk up to him. "What has you happy?"

"I found my mate." His eyes brighten.

"Who?!" I ask excited.

He grabs my wrist and begins to drag me across the room and through the door. "Alex," he yells over his shoulder, "I'm kidnapping your mate!"

Alex looks up quickly. "Be careful with her."

Ethan nods and pulls me down the hall again. He runs down the steps and I follow directly behind him.

"Kyle!" Ethan yells happily. I slow down and see a very familiar looking head of hair.

"Shit!" I yell, stopping and staring at the hair.

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