25-It looks so fluffy

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Alex presses a button on the keys, making the car beep and light up. My face lightens up. A Ford F-150 in red. It is lifted and has a headlight.

"This thing looks so badass!" I exclaim, completely excited.

Alex laughs. "While we are in America, why not use a truck?"

"Wait, we are in America?" He nods and gives me an 'I-just-said-that' look.

"Sweet!" I exclaim, glad I'm back home.

Alex chuckles and opens the door for us. I smile and climb in the truck, completely thrilled about riding in a truck again.

"Well, I hope you are excited. I haven't ever really taken a girl on a date before." He admits sheepishly after he climbs in the truck.

"I'm honored, honestly," I admit. "I haven't ever really been on a date either. I went on one with this guy who I had a small crush on back in middle school but it turned out to be a disaster. So I'm glad I get another chance with someone."

He smiles and starts the truck before grabbing my hand. I'm glad that I get this experience from him. Yes, I sound like a girly girl but who cares. I'm a girl who is going on a date. Doesn't that entitle me to become a slight girly girl?


"Where are we going?" I ask for the thousandth time.

"You will see." Is his thousandth response.

You see, I honestly don't care where we are going, as long as I'm with him, but I'm testing his patience. He hasn't cracked...so far. Internally, I'm laughing evilly but on the outside, I'm giving off a small smile.

He's a keeper. He can handle a fourty mintue car ride with me asking every five mintues if we are there yet.

I've pulled off my beenie and played with the necklace around my neck. The gem inside the sun charm seems to move. It is so cool and if I look, like really look, it isn't moving. It's hard to explain.

"Is Damien and Jessie wearing one of these?" I ask Alex.

"Yep, Keyon too."

"Is theirs exactly the same?"

"Yep, same exact necklace."

I nod and listen to the radio. I hear a rock station on and smile. I love rock music.

"I didn't take you for a truck driving, rock music listening person. I took you as more of a sports car and pop music type of person."

"I don't care for rock that much but I like it a lot more than the music on pop stations right now." Alex shrugs.

"But you like trucks?"

"Yes! I use them on missions." He says with a smile.

I smile back before we fall into a comfortable silence.


The fair! Oh my god! This looks like sooo much fun! I hop out of the truck and skip up to Alex, who is grinning ear to ear.

"Dad never let us go to a fair! I haven't had cotton candy or any fair food since I was eleven."

"I haven't ate cotton candy before."

I gap at him and grab his hand, dragging him behind me and to the ticket line to get in. The screams from the people on the rollarcoaster makes me smile wider. The bright lights hurt my eyes and the combined smell of all the food is horrible but I love it! All the ballons being popped and all the tosses of coins and rings makes faint noises in my ears.

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