7- wolf talk

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"How did you make Ethan submit? He's an Alpha." The prince says.

Well shit, this just keeps getting better and better.


"I am just simply a supernatural of higher rank than everyone here. That's all." I give him a smile. I drag the hissing vampire behind me while walking down the stairs.

"Halt!" The guards yell at me. My head snaps up and my hood falls from my head. The vampire shuts up thankfully. I drop the vampire and he stands beside me. I quickly roundhouse kick him in the head and bolt past the guards and across the hall. I hear their feet right behind me. I jump down the entrance stairs and turn around to see the wolf right beside the flustered looking prince.

How hot he looks. His brown hair is messy like he ran his hands through it. And his gray eyes hold so many emotions. Snap out of it Ash!

I see the guards catching up to me. "Get her!"

I grin at them, showing off my perfect teeth without fangs. "I've done nothing wrong."

They continue to advance on me and I take defense. They circle me and I spin to assess my opponents.

One behind me gives off a war cry. I spin and grab his staff. I flip him with it and place one foot on his neck. I spin the staff, my confidence soaring. A few others come at me but I block and attack without breaking a sweat.

Someone lets out a bit of air and I immediately duck to the floor. They guards look at me weirdly and a iron dagger lands beside one of them. The prince looks horrified but the wolf.

The fucking wolf looks smug. I see the vampire walking towards them with his fangs showing.

"Duck!" I yell, snapping the wooden staff in half. The prince does but the wolf sniffs the air before turning towards the vamp. I use my demon strength to throw the broken side of the staff like a spear. It flies and hits the vampire in the heart.

"Who are you!?" The prince yells.

"Someone who means you absolutely no harm." I tell him. I turn on my heels, drop the other half of the stick, and high tail it out of there. I drop my jacket in someone's car and try to mask my scent so that damn wolf doesn't follow me.

I look around until I find Parker's apartment. He's an old friend of ours. I knock on his door and it opens to Damien. He pulls me in quickly.

"About time you showed up!" He tosses me a bag. "Now go shower and we can talk. I have questions you will answer."

I nod and do as he says. I pull my hair from the hair tie and set it on the counter. I strip to my undergarments before messing with the temperature of the water. Then strip completely and hop in. I was down amd stand under the water.

What the hell am I suppose to do? The wolf hates me because I accidentally made him submit. Wait...why isn't he with a pack? I'll ask him that. I hop out of the shower and throw on the clothes Damien brought me. Fits in with where we are at.

I walk into the main room, braiding my hair when I smell the wolf again. I look and see him and Damien staring at each other. I clear my throat and their heads turn towards me.

"I see you found my newest best friend. Hope you like wolves, big brother." Sarcasm drips from my voice.

"I'm Ethan and I know that you know that I mean no harm. I just have questions." The wolf says.

I nod and motion for him to sit. He takes one of the couches in this small room. Damien leaves the room. I sit across from him on a chair.

"How did you just randomly show up? How did you make me submit? Why are you defending Alex? Who are you? What are you doing here? When are you leaving my territory?"

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