16- powers

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Lucifer, sorry my father, catches the staff and plucks it from my grasp like a father would an infant child's toy.

"If you want your little pet alive, then you will do everything I say. Am I clear?" He says lowly.

A snarl rips through me as I crouch down in front of Alex. "Mine!"

"Dad, I wouldn't mess with Ash now. She doesn't know how to control her powers yet." Damien begins.

"Don't tell me what to do boy or you will be thrown from this place and hunted." Lucifer warns.

Something gentle touches my back before sparks erupt. I turn my head and see a frightened Alex.

"Y-you h-have w-wings." He stutters in fear. I whimper. He's scared of me.

I pull all my powers back in and face him, sitting. I hang my head in shame. "My fault. It's all my fault. I'll take you home and assign Keyon to the mission for your safety."

Something grabs my wings, which I don't know how to retract and throws me into the air. I'm spinning before I hit the wall. I land with a thump and groan in pain with my head to the floor.

"Now, daughter, tell me what you are going to do."

I lift my head and meet his glowing black eyes. His wings have appeared and his horns are showing. My demon and angel are calling out to face him. My marks begin to glow again and I feel my back itching like a bitch.

I bare my teeth at him in a sneer. "I don't know father. Keep my mate out of this and I might consider talking to you."

Dad waves his hand and a portal appears. He grabs me and throws me through it while I yell out. I land in rocks while sliding forward. I look over my shoulder to see dad step through while Damien, Jessie, Alex, Ethan, and Keyon rush to get to me. Alex and Jessie make it through before it closes. I get into a crouch and debate on running or fighting.

I scream an earpiercing scream when someone grabs me. The person lifts me off the ground and I look down to see that I'm a good eighty feet from the floor. I look behind me in fear and see my dad holding my shirt with his wings beating.

"Lesson number one. Don't test the superior unless you know how to use all your powers." He snaps while throwing me like trash. I scream and feel my wings flying up behind me. I think on having them stretch out to guide me down easier.

It isn't working and the ground is coming really close. I close my eyes and wait for the impact but I'm yanked up.

I open my eyes to see no one around me and my father is flying in front of me, not touching me.

"Wings, they come instinctively. You can't think to use them you just do." He says firmly. I look behind me to see my wings beating smoothly. I smile.

I pull them back and drop ten feet to the floor in a smooth landing. Suddenly, I'm flying backwards and my back scrapes against the rocks. I groan and stand up quickly to see my shirt is incinerated. I look to my father to see him smirking deviously at me. He has a fireball in his hand.

"Call them forward, baby girl. Call on your inner demons."

I close my eyes and feel my power stir. More so than when I'm calling on ashes or using my compulsion or even when I am calling it to make my portals.

Something sparks in me but it isn't igniting.

"Hurry up or lover boy will feel unmeasurable pain. I wonder how long it takes a human to burn to death."

That ignites my powers. I open my eyes and see my father holding Alex by the colllar and fire right in front of his face. I point my palms towards him and let my anger out. Fire shoots out aiming at both of them. Jessie grabs Alex and quickly blocks him from my fire.

"Thank you!" I cry out to him.

"I knew you would never forgive yourself if you hurt him. Plus, you got dad good!" He points to dad. I look over and gasp. His entire shirt is gone and there is a red burn across his chest.

"Well damn. I wasn't prepared for that much power from my little girl." He looks up and I see pride in his eyes.

I stand straighter and pull my shoulders back. "Leave Alex alone. That's all I want. You control me any other way but this time I am putting my foot down."

"Why do you want to be with a human!? They are lower than any supernatural! I would rather have you with an angel than with a human!" He yells out.

"Father! I have a mate! I am one of the few lucky demons that get one! I survived being taken from my mother but I want someone else to love too! You, Damien, and Jessie get on my nerves more than you think. I want something new in my life."

"Then let me host more balls. Let me show you to more of our kind." He offers.

"What if I don't want a demon? What if I wanted a human?"

"They can't protect you from anything!"

"The only thing I need to be protected from is you!" I bellow. Anger courses through me. "I want to feel as if I can defend myself! I don't want some damn demon trying to control me, I get that enough from you! I want someone to care for me not my title!"

I'm breathing heavy at my rant and successfully make a portal which I step through and run.

"Find her!" Someone yells before I get far enough away from everything. I realize I'm in a forest. I run as fast as my legs can carry me, not caring about my breathing or the fact that I can't see through all the tears.

I hear a high pitched alarm go off and instantly recognize it as the search and find for my dad's best trackers. I internally scream and speed up somehow.

Just let me think and be alone. Why do all the men in my life think it's okay to talk to me while I'm dealing with my emotions? Why does dad force me to do things?

Think things through, Ash.

Okay, I know for sure I'm a daughter of an angel and the devil. I know I have three brothers and a sister. I know I've been growing up in hell for the past three years. My weapon is a staff and my best friend is Keyon. I have a twin brother named Jessie. Two older brothers name Issac and Damien. My father is the devil, my mother is a high angel. I'm the first hybrid of my kind. I have a mate who is hunter and prince.

I slow down and collapse to the floor, gasping in air. Things bolt past me before a pair of shoes comes into my sight.

"Come on princess. We have to get you home." The person says.

I lift my head up and see the head guard standing there. He is offering me a hand which I glare at.

Pain racks through my body again and I begin coughing. And guess what's coming with the coughing? That's right, my blood!

"Shit!" The tracker says before picking me up effortlessly.

Everything is becoming fuzzy but I must stay awake.

"Your highness! I found her!" The tracker holding me yells.

"You're getting sloppy, sis." Damien's voice says through our link.

I begin coughing again. The guard sets me down gently and helps me by placing a bucket unger me to cough my blood into.

"Ash!" Another voice yells.

I lift my eyes slightly and see Keyon standing down the hall. Wait? Am I in the infirmary again? I blink and he is by my side. My eyes widen slightly before I feel his hand on my back. The pain inside of me lessons some.

"Ash, dear, I found out what is wrong with you." The doctor's voice says.

I lift my head to face him and see he has a needle. I growl at him. I hate needles.

"Ash!" That voice makes me shiver.

I look down the halls again and see Alex. He runs towards me before a force holds him against the wall.

"Ethan!" I scream, hoping that his best friend can save him when I can't.

The Prince's Demon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now