28-I've been a good child I swear!

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"Home sweet home!" Alex exclaims while walking down the steps of the plane.

"More like ground sweet ground." I growl out from the shoulder of Richard.

"Aren't you excited? I haven't had a ball in forever. The last time was for my mother's 48th birthday!"

"I am in a fucking vampire's shoulder! All I did was ask if they heal from burns! Not if I can steal the soul of his first born!" I snap. Richard jumps with me still on his shoulder making me land on my stomach. I grunt and elbow the back of his head.

"Alex! Please!" I cry out.

"Richard, put her down, you taught her enough." Alex says over his shoulder.

Richard, being the nice guy he is, dropped me flat on my ass. I stand and growl at him earning a hissing from him.

"Maybe I will steal your first born's soul!" I threaten.

"You wouldn't dare." He hisses.

I meet his eyes while narrowing mine. "Are you doubting me?"

His eyes drop as he sighs. "No, your highness, I just want him to live thats all."

"Then I will leave him alone...for now." I state when skip to catch up with Alex, who is almost at the entrance. "What will your papa say about me being here?"

"He can't do anything to you, you have the necklace on," he pauses. "You do have the necklace on, right?"

I pull it out from under my shirt and let it dangle from my fingertips.

"Nope, I have no idea what you are talking about." I mutter sarcastically.

Alex clears his throat, earning my attention, before speaking firmly. "That is your only excuse to step foot in the castle right now. My father is afriad of your father and that is saying a lot considering my father hates all demons."

"What about you? Aren't you an excuse?" My eyes look to the floor. Oh, what lovely tile this is.

"Sadly, no. My dad doesn't, and I quote in how I hear some Americans speak, give a shit about you."

My head snaps up, eye wide and mouth hanging open. "You just-!"

"I know, and don't expect to hear it ever again."

I smirk and link my arm with his. "Well, you can always leave the cursing to me! I know how to use it, I mean, come on!"

"Yes, I'm going to sterotype you and say it is because you grew up in America." Alex narrows his eyes at me.

I smile sheepishly. "Actually, that isn't true. I learned it from the people who live in the place I call Hell."

"Alex, my baby boy, you are home!" A feminine voice yells out.

Alex instantly smiles and looks to the top of the stairs. "Mother!"

"Mama's boy." I cough out earning an elbow in the ribs.

"Who's the lady beside you?" The Queen asks.

"This is Lady Ash-"

"Demon." The king bellows. "She is a demon!"

"Technically, not anymore!" I yell up to him. "Not anymore!"

"What do you mean by that?" The Queen asks from right beside me, making me jump.

I place a hand over my racing heart, hoping to stop the racing. "I'm a half breed. Half angel, half demon. My demon side has disappeared."

"We don't know if we killed her or if the angel side took control." Alex continues.

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