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Our lips spark together like flint against steel and send sparks down my body. My mouth is kerosene and his full lips are an erect match that has fire licking up my veins. His fingers explode like fireworks over my hips. We are a chemical reaction and although my first reaction is to pull away and stop us from combusting, I only end up melting against him.

He is a flame and I am on fire.

His hands grasp desperately at my hips as his tongue traces my bottom lip before delving back inside and tracing mine. I can't even think straight as I glide my hands up from his broad chest to clutch at his wild curls. He tastes like summer and whiskey and a hunger that hasn't been sated in months takes control of my actions.

The alcohol swimming through my veins and the tension that has been building all night has my inhibitions completely stripped. My teeth bite teasingly down on his plump bottom lip, tugging on it slightly and earning a wild growl from him.

His hands wander my body tantalizingly slow, as if engraining every dip and curve into his mind, as if wanting to imprint the feeling into his skin. His lips mold against my top one and his large palms slide down to wrap around my backside. The volume of the moan that falls from my lips as he squeezes the flesh there even has me surprised.

"Fuck, Aspen." He groans against my lips before abruptly sliding his hands down further, wrapping them around my thighs, and practically slamming me down on the counter.

I gasp against his lips and he takes the opportunity to slide his moist lips across my jaw and down my neck, peppering kisses along the flushed skin. It's like his hungry lips are trying to engrave my taste on their flesh.

A fog has settled over my mind and all I can concentrate on is just how good his lips feel as they suck on the sensitive skin under my ear and how hot it is when his large hands slide up my thighs and take my dress with it.

This is so wrong.

I hate Harry. I really do. I hate his flirty remarks and his womanizing nature and how smug he is. I hate his stupid curls that feel so good tangled between my fingers and his obnoxious rings that feel so cold against my hot skin as they travel up my thighs and his petal-soft lips that pull back to reveal the teeth that bite down harshly against the hollow of my neck...

Oh, fuck it.

I use my grip on his curls to yank his face back towards mine before slamming my lips back down on his. He groans hotly as my tongue explores the mouth that had just made all those sinful confessions to me...

"I want to rip this sexy dress of your body and fuck you on this floor right now... what it would feel like to be inside of you every night... what you would look like naked, writhing, and dripping beneath me..."

Just remembering how his voice dripped with lust and how dark his heavy gaze was has me writhing on the counter and pressing our bodies closer together. My hands slide from his hair to explore the rigid planes of his chest and abdomen before settling on his hips and using the flaps of his jacket to pull him closer.

Harry's own hands do a bit of exploring as the move from my thighs, across my hips, and up to my breasts before grasping them in his large palms.

"Harry." I breathe desperately as he caresses the flesh before kneading them harshly.

"That's right, baby. Say my name."

"Fuck, Harry."

It's my turn to move my lips from his to kiss along his sharp jawline and suck desperately on the skin that meets his neck. He hisses as my teeth nibble on the flesh before my tongue slides out to soothe the sting.

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