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*this is censored bc wattpad took it down as soon as it went up sorry xx*

"God, I love the way your breathing changes as soon as I touch you."

I would usually make some comment about how arrogant he is, but this time I couldn't even form proper words if I tried.

His hands are everywhere -unzipping my dress, kneading the flesh of my bum, teasing my nipples, caressing the fabric of my underwear. Relentless, hungry, and anything but gentle.

Every touch short circuits the nerves in my body.

Sleeping Harry is like drinking saltwater -it doesn't matter how often we find ourselves tangled in our sheets together- nothing can slate my thirst.

His lips are sure to follow his fingers on their voyage around my body and it's with trembling fingers and blurred vision that I manage to unbutton his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders, before sliding his jeans to the floor.

We stumble down the hallway leading to his bedroom, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs in the form of clothes on the way.

I'm not exact sure what set of us, but as soon as the elevator doors closed his hands were on me like they had been waiting all night to be and as soon as they were a flame was lit that only he can put out.

I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that we've committed to each other. That we know where we stand to one another. That we're official.

Aspen and Harry. Harry and Aspen.

Every breath feels like were saying I'm yours, I'm yours, I'm yours.

By the time we stumble into his room we are both completely naked and unable to look away from each other. Unable to stop touching each other

His fingers move deftly from my breast, teasing my nipple there, to the area of my body that craves him the most. He traces one finger down my slit, causing to mewl quietly and buck slightly.

However, just as I reach out to pull Harry's head towards mine, he pulls away from me, flopping onto the bed and scooting towards the headboard.

I stand at the end of the bed, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and body heating up as his eyes trace every inch of my body.

"Sit on my face."

I almost choke, "Sit - what?"

A devilish smirk curls at the ends of his lips as his eyes drink in my body greedily. The longer I am standing here having him view me like a painting the more my body is heating up to the point where I can't even think clearly.

The arousal is so thick between us that it makes it hard to breathe.

"I want you," His tone is confident, dirty -voice slightly husky as he leans forward enough to grab my hand, "To sit on my face."

Those words are like the final nail in my coffin because I am sure then that my soul leaves my body. He uses the hand wrapped around my own to tug me forward until we have fallen back on the bed, my legs straddling his waist.

I am completely flustered, my face heated to an embarrassing degree as I try to think of something, anything, to say. He must notice my hesitation because his hands massage my thighs and a reassuring smile takes up his lips.

"Don't be shy, doll. I just want to taste you."

Oh, fvck.

I have never in my life done that before, but just the idea of it has me practically dripping and the hunger in Harry's darkened eyes is all the reassurance I need.

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