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It all happened so quickly.

Harry's fist connecting with Louis' nose. A crunch followed by a loud yelp. Louis staggering backward in shock and agony as Harry charges forward. Thick, ruby blood trickling down his lips. Harry's fist winding back again without hesitation.

"Stop, Harry!"

I step in between the duo just as Louis menacingly glares at Harry, who begins to swing his fist.

"Get out of the way, Aspen." Harry grits, speaking to me, but not even glancing my way as he glowers at Louis threateningly.

"Don't tell her what to do, you twat!" Louis barks, gently pushing me to the side to come face-to-face with Harry, whose neck flushes red in anger.

"That's rich coming from you."

"Guys, stop." I weakly cut in, completely baffled on what to do in this situation.

My plea goes unnoticed as they both try to assert dominance over the other. Louis' nose is still bleeding slightly, but he doesn't bother to wipe it away. Instead, they both square up to each other, clenching their jaws and narrowing their eyes.

"I think you should leave, mate," Louis speaks condescendingly, making Harry ball his fists, "She doesn't want you here."

"I think you should leave, mate. She doesn't want you here."

"That's funny," Louis smirks, tilting his head to the side in mock confusion, "Last night she seemed to want me here very much."

Harry has his fists tightened in Louis' collar and has him slammed up against the wall so fast I don't even have time to blink. He is shaking with rage and Louis looks all too pleased with himself.

As of now, I am pleased with neither.

"Harry, don't!" Again, I am left ignored.

"Don't you ever come near her again, Tomlinson. I swear to God, if I see you so much as glance her way your nose won't be the only thing bleeding."

"Don't think that's for you to decide. If she wants to see me, then she'll fucking see me."

The words barely leave Louis' lips before Harry is slamming him into the wall again, this time, with so much force that the picture hanging up next to them falls to the ground and shatters the frame.

"You fucking prick, don't try me. I'll fucking kill you if-"

"Stop!" I scream so loud that both of the boy's snap their gazes to me, Harry's grip on Louis' shirt loosening at the sight of my distress, "Both of you stop right now and get the fuck out of my house."

My tone is eerily calm and it causes Harry to back away from Louis with a guilty look. Louis sends a lethal glare at his attacker before taking a step towards me. He swipes the blood from his nose with the back of his hand, smearing it across his lip, before staring at me with pleading eyes.

"Aspen, I-"

"Please, please just go, Louis. I can't deal with this right now."

He nods solemnly, stepping towards the door, but turning to face me one more time, "Just tell me you'll at least think about what I said. Please."

And even though I really don't want to think about it, even though I just want to forget last night ever happened -I can't ignore his honest confession. So, I nod my head. This causes Louis' cerulean eyes to brighten in hope before he steps outside, closing the door behind him, and leaving me with a fuming Harry.

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