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“What’s the difference between snowmen and snowwomen? Snowballs.”

My right eye twitches slightly.

“A guy walks into a bar. You think he would’ve seen it.”

I actually feel my soul die a little.

“What comes with the new Divorced Barbie? All of Ken’s stuff.”

I bang my head onto the marble countertop repeatedly.

The continuous laughter ceases suddenly at the sound of my head thumping against the surface. Avery shoots me a worried look at my sudden masochism, while Harry has that stupid arrogant smirk glued onto his plump lips.

“What’s wrong, munchkin, don’t like those?” He question in mock sympathy and I shoot him an unimpressed look, “Alright, let me tell you a better one.”

“Oh dear god, please don’t.”

“What comes after 69?” A devilish grin take up his features, “A mouthwash.”

Avery bursts into melodic laughter once again and I even see Niall and Zayn trying to bite back a smile.


“I’ve got one. Who’s a younger version of Hugh Hefner, tells horrible jokes that make my ears bleed, and makes me want to stab myself with a fork every time he opens his mouth?”

Avery shifts on the stool awkwardly and I see Liam’s shoulders shaking just behind Niall who guzzles down his beer. Harry’s smile only grows wider and he leans across the marble countertop and places his chin in the palm of his hand.

“Zayn?” He smiles innocently and I see Zayn’s chiseled face whip around to face Harry angrily.

I roll my eyes at his answer, not even bothering with the punchline because he already knows I’m referring to him. I chug the rest of my own beer, silently thanking Niall for allowing us to drink before rehearsals because I could not face Harry sober.

Today marks the second week that Harry has joined the band and he doesn’t fail to make my hatred for him grow every day. He continues to call me munchkin, he never stops making those horrendous jokes, and he comes late to almost every practice with tousled locks, swollen lips, and a cocky smirk on his face.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what –or rather, who- caused his tardiness.

Luckily, he didn’t cut into rehearsal time because with the snow falling outside and the beers begging to be cracked open we have not found it in us to actually get up and rehearse. So, instead we’ve been playing Fifa, drinking games, and –unfortunately- listening to Harry’s jokes that are only funny like 30% of the time.

“Okay, blondes or brunettes?” Zayn questions us as Avery, Harry, and I make our way over to the black leather couches that house the rest of the boys.

They had been playing this game in between rounds of Fifa and I have been trying really hard to engage myself. I know I haven’t been the best of company for the last six months since Louis and I ended things. But, I it’s high time I get back into the swing of things and try and be the person I used to be before I met him.

Except now, of course, with more insecurities and trust issues than I would like to have.

“Blondes.” Liam, Niall, and Avery announce at the same time and I roll my eyes since 2/3 of them had blonde hair.

“Brunettes.” Harry grins as he plops down on the loveseat with to me. He sends a wink my way after his answer, causing me to roll my eyes at his flirtations. Zayn begrudgingly agrees with Harry while glancing at the group and they all turn to me.

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