Big Announcement

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I'm here to save 2020. I've self-published Notorious with an EPILOGUE! (but, epilogue is exclusive to the published version).

 I've self-published Notorious with an EPILOGUE! (but, epilogue is exclusive to the published version)

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Firstly, I want to say hello. It's been a long five years since I've finished this book and I want to thank you all for reading and supporting me all this time. I hope the last five years have been kind to you and that you've achieved all you've wanted to achieve and are happy. You all have been such a big part of my life that I wanted to do this for you and for myself.

This year has been awful in so many ways for all of us and my heart goes out to you and your families. I hope you're all safe and healthy.

I've used this time in quarantine to completely revise and rewrite Notorious as a new adult romance novel. I began Notorious my senior year of high-school and the story has many faults I've wanted to fix and change for a very long time. It amassed such a following and I'm so grateful to you all, but I can't even reread this book without cringing sometimes lol. But, this story holds a special place in my heart because it introduced me to all of you. It deserved to fixed.

I was actually approached by someone about publishing this novel, but to do so, they would require I take this version down entirely. I didn't want to do that to you guys, or myself, because reading your comments is literally my favorite pastime.

So, I decided to just do the damn thing myself.

I've spent the last nine months completely re-vamping this story. I've changed the characters' names and backgrounds, cut out many scenes and added new ones, and even changed major plot points in the story. The new version still has the same foundation and walls as the original, but just with a fresh interior.

I even added a long-awaited and much requested epilogue.

This book is available on Amazon as an ebook for $3.99 or a paperback for $15.99. I debated for a long time on these prices. I spent so much time and effort on this story and Amazon takes out such a large percentage for themselves, but I also know how difficult this year has been and wanted to make pricing fair so everyone can afford it. Hopefully the ebook is cheap enough so everyone can who wants it can buy it, but the paperback had to be a bit pricier bc the percentage Amazon takes for that is criminal haha. I do plan on having sales for both editions and, if I can figure out how to do it, a giveaway for Valentine's day.

Now, this part makes me nervous: I will not be posting the epilogue on Wattpad.

I mostly chose to do this because this is a completely different story than the one posted here. I wrote the epilogue specifically for this new version of the story. It's still the same general story, but so many little details and big ones have been changed in this new version, that I would have to write an entirely different epilogue for Wattpad. I'd likely have to reread this old version in order to write one that fits the dates, characters, and plot. Maybe one day I'll write an epilogue for this version specifically, but don't hold your breath lol I'm in law school and it's very demanding.

I know some of you will be upset with my decision and I'm very sorry for that, but I hope you understand and support me in this endeavor as you have for so many years. If you do choose to purchase the book, I would be so grateful if you left reviews on Amazon and Goodreads —good or bad, it's okay hehe— so, I can reach more readers.

Thank you all for being my cheerleaders and the greatest community I could've asked for. It's been such an honor and privilege to be involved in your lives, even in this small way. I hope these last few years have been kind and that you all continue to stay safe and healthy, fight for justice, and each other.

Thank you for reading, and thank you for being here.

Mags xx

Cheat Sheet:

Harry Styles ... Everett Fox

Aspen Russo ... Aspen Marino

Liam Russo ... Marco Marino

Zayn Malik ... Enzo Majid

Niall Horan ... Jesse Stewart

Louis Tomlinson... Sam Jones

The links are in my bio!!!



If these links don't work, you can search "Mags McMillan" in Amazon or Goodreads and it will come up. I will also post them on my socials (all @ badbrits)


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