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You’re just like Louis.

You’re just like Louis.

You’re just like Louis.

Four simple words have haunted me for the past two days. Getting groceries, writing songs, hell even when I was inside Amanda did that statement reverberate through my head. I just can’t seem to shake them.

Or maybe I can’t seem to shake how disgusted and hateful Aspen sounded when she spit them at me.

Either way, I’m pissed.

I’m aware that I may not be the nicest, most selfless, gentlemanly, considerate… Okay, what the fuck? I’m kind of an arsehole sure, but to compare me to that Tomlinson fucker? That’s like comparing Strawberry Shortcake to Satan.

I’ve had the displeasure of meeting Louis a few times and each time he becomes more and more of a twat. Cheater, liar, drug-addict, skeeze, the list goes on. But, none of those aspects affect me as much as the fact that he hurt Aspen. I don’t know to what extant or why, but I know the scar is deep enough for her to stop doing something she loved and for her to hate the male species.

Or just me.

Whatever the case, the fact that she compared me to the man that tore out her heart and spit on it hurt more than it should. Not because I like her –because I don’t- but, simply because I owe Aspen a lot. I’ve owed her for almost two years now.

I owe her my whole career, my whole life, and she doesn’t even know it. I promised myself then that I would find a way to make it up to her somehow, but the fact that I have a constant urge to bend her over a table is proving that keeping that promise may be harder that I thought.

I know that attempting to fuck her in the bathroom of some dingy club while Amanda was right outside was probably the wrong thing to do, but fuck if I couldn’t take the tension between us anymore. The second that I saw her in that tight, low-cut dress I almost finished in my pants right then and there.

But, I’m choosing to focus on how angry I am at her for going too far and by the constant glare that Aspen has been giving me, I’m assuming that she is doing the same.

The rest of the band is currently arguing over the set list for the next gig, but Aspen and I remain silent, only glowering at each other in a silent battle. Despite how livid I am mentally, physically, my body is betraying me. My skin is practically on fire from her steady hazel gaze and I shift in my seat slightly when she runs her tongue over her lip.

The same lip that I had captured between my teeth just two nights ago… the same breasts that are pushed up by her crossed arms are the same ones that fit perfectly in my palm… those long tan legs crossed at the knee were once wrapped around my hips…

“Earth to Haz! Earth to Aspen!” Avery’s high-pitched voice pulls me from my dirty thoughts and I casually grab a throw pillow from the leather couch to cover my growing bulge. But, by the smirk on Aspen’s full lips, I know she saw it. However, her flushed cheeks and rapidly rising chest tell me that I wasn’t the only one reminiscing.

“Jesus, what is up with you two lately? Starin’ at each other like that and refusing to speak. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that you two banged or something.”

Avery immediately begins to cackle and I see Aspen choke as her cheeks flush. She begins to sputter incoherently before I look up at Avery with a devilish smirk.

“Well, actually-“

“Actually, Harry has erectile dysfunction, so he won’t be “banging” anybody.” Aspen sends me a glare along with a satisfied smirk since it’s my turn to choke.

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