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"You look absolutely stunning tonight," A light tug on my earlobe follows whispered words and I desperately try to repress the shiver running down my spine to no avail, "Bloody torturing me, you are."

His palm runs up my tanned thigh, wrapping it around his waist, before continuing the journey underneath the mesh of my white dress. A pleasurable sigh leaves my lips when he nips at my jaw, the idea of being caught only heightening the fire in my belly.

And the chance of being caught is high considering were supposed to be on a stage in the next fifteen minutes.

"That wasn't my intention."

He lifts his head form my neck with a dirty smile, lips ghosting against my own, "Liar."

He presses against me harder, his bulge hitting me right where I want him and causing me to groan and slam my head into the wall behind me, "God, I want you. I want you all the time."

This seems to please him because he jerks his hips up, a low growl resonating in his throat, "Fuck, what're you doing to me, Aspen?"

And I know that anyone could walk through the door at any moment. Any one of our bandmates could open the door to fix their hair or change their clothes for the show, but I suddenly don't care.

The idea of being walked in on – the idea of doing something this scandalous in a changing room instantly pulls at my stomach and before I can even think of the consequences, I am shoving Harry away from me until he lands on the tattered sofa behind us.

He lands with an 'oompf' his chest already flushed and his eyes almost black in lust as they ravish my body draped in a white mesh dress that would be completely see-trough had it not been for the bralette and high-waisted underwear underneath.

It's something much riskier and revealing than I am used to, but with a few encouraging words from Avery and Harry's lustful stares as soon as I walked in, I had never been happier with a decision.

All I know is that one second I was warming up with the rest of the band and the next I was being pulled into the changing room and Harry was ravishing my body with his lips.

Not that I'm complaining.

Because my mom's text is still replaying in my head and Avery keeps asking me about Harry and all I really need is an old-fashioned distraction. And that distractions name is Harry.

"Why did you stop me?" He all but chokes on his spit when I drop to my knees in front of him, eyes bulging out of his head and jeans straining.

"I don't very much care for this shirt you're wearing."

His eyebrows furrow in confusion, "Okay? What do you-"

But, he goes silent when my nimble fingers slide up his thighs, grazing over his bulge, and cause him to hiss through his teeth. When they reach the hem of his plain black v-neck I waste no time in ripping it off of his body.

"Holy shit." He breathes when my palms slide up his defined torso and down again before my lips follow suit.

They trace every line in his stomach and my tongue peaks out to trace over the butterfly tattooed on his stomach and the ferns at his hips. This causes him to jerk violently and I instantly stop my movements.

"None of that," I scold, my heart pounding from nerves, but the lust taking over my actions, "If you're bad, you don't get your reward. You are still on probation if you don't recall."

Harry lets out a breathy laugh in disbelief, "Jesus Christ, Aspen."

The awe in his voice is enough fuel for me to grip the top of his jeans, "These aren't good, either."

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