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For the second time in two days I open my door to find a curly haired brit.

For the second time in two days I contemplate buying a gun.

"What the actual fuck are you doing here, Harry?" I snap, looking at the clock on the wall to find that it is barely nine o'clock in the morning. He is a dead man.

"We're going to the Japanese Gardens today."

"Were you dropped on your head as a child or are you really that dense? I specifically remember telling you yesterday that I wanted nothing to do with you. Yet here you are." I just could not comprehend why the hell he was standing at my doorstep after my whole speech about how I wouldn't forgive him for being cruel and would only tolerate him because I had to.

And then I remember his declaration to get me to be his friend.

"I actually might have been dropped. Me mum was pretty clumsy," Harry muses, either obliviously unaware of my growing rage or choosing to ignore it, "Funny story, there was this one time when my mum-"

And then I slam the door in his face.

"That's no way to treat someone that brought you coffee." Harry's teasing voice carries through the door and I tense instantly, my mouth salivating at the thought of my preferred drug.

But, this is Harry we're talking about. He would tell a girl that he was in the Olympics if it meant he would get laid. However, when I glance through the peephole and see him holding up a carton of coffee like he knew I would check, I instantly cave and swing the door open to reveal a very smug idiot.

"I knew you couldn't resist." He laughs as I snatch the mug from his grasp and take a sip, shocked to find that it is exactly how I take it —a dash of cream and two sugars. It instantly warms my body and lifts my mood, but my glare never falters.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, I think I've made that abundantly clear. Why do you want to go to the Japanese Gardens anyway?"

"Because I feel like a real jackass and Liam told me you've always wanted to see cherry blossom trees in bloom, so..." A faint blush grows on his cheek and he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. My jaw is practically polishing the floor by now.

"What the hell has been up with you lately? What happened to the apathetic and womanizing asshole we all loved to hate?"

"Trust me, he's still alive and kicking, but I have been a real tosser to you and I can't live with the guilt. So, will you please please please clear my annoying conscious and allow me to treat you to a day of pointless crap you love?"

Ah, it all makes sense now. The coffee, the heartfelt apologies, and the offer to take me to my one childhood dream —all to clear the guilt eating away at him for making me feel worthless. Classic Harry Styles.

"How can a girl say no?" I muse and Harry grins wildly, only for it to be wiped away by my next sentence, "Oh yeah, like this -hell to the fucking no."

I'm about to slam the door in his face again when boot clad feet stop the door, causing me to sigh irritably and contemplate the damage I would do if I just slammed it anyway.

"I'll leave you alone," Harry blurts out, his sentence causing me to freeze, which encourages him more, "If you let me take you out today and you still think I'm a dick by the end of the night I will never bother you again."

"Do you mean that? Would you sign a blood oath?" My heart warms at the prospect.

He hesitates slightly at my suggestion before nodding his head slowly, "Yes."

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