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*DOUBLE UPDATE WOOHOO. If you haven't read the last chapter, 'Inevitable' then I suggest you do that now or you will be confused.*

If there is one thing I hate about living in London, it's the weather. If it's not ridiculously cold and gloomy, then it's ridiculously hot. So hot that you might as well be sipping tea in hell with Satan.

I shiver at the thought. Ugh. Tea.

So, when a rare good weather day comes along, I simply cannot pass it up. The sun kisses my skin lightly, the wind is subtle as it blows through my wavy tendrils, and the earth is silent except for the chirping of birds and distant laughter from children enjoying the good weather. It genuinely is the perfect day.

"It's so hot outside that chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs!"

Never mind.

I don't even have to open my eyes to know that Harry has walked through the gate and into my brother's backyard. The joke and his own raspy guffaw that followed it is proof enough of that. But, I peek one eye open anyway and instantly regret it.

Damn him. Damn him and his stupid Tarzan hair and gorgeous body and hot tattoos. And Damn those small yellow swim trunks. Damn him.

I think I might have a heat stroke.

"You invited Curly, Liam? Traitor." I growl, sitting up on my elbows to catch Liam sending me a sheepish smile, slinging his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"Sorry, Aspen. The boy practically begged me when he heard you were gonna be here." Liam narrowly dodges an elbow to the side from Harry as he glowers at him. I feel heat crawl up my cheeks at his words and instantly look away from the duo.

Memories of last night's dinner flash through my head; Harry's skillful fingers on my thigh and through the lace of my panties, the dirty words said in the kitchen, the fire felt from his kiss, the unspoken promise of more.

Even though the sun warms my skin, I feel goosebumps raise on every inch at the reminder.

"I'm beginning to think you're trying to torture me." Harry's husky growl pulls me from my previous thoughts and plunges me into a whole set of new ones.

His emerald graze gradually grows darker as they trail over every inch of my bikini clad skin. I suddenly feel very exposed under his scrutiny and very turned on. I want to kiss Avery for making me by this black Triangl bikini. It hugs every curve and, frankly, makes me feel bad ass.

"Dude, that's my sister." Liam groans and Harry begins to tease him for his American slang, leaving me to ogle Harry's physique. Is it wrong that I want to trace every tattoo of his with my tongue?

Down, Horny Aspen, down.

His little stunt at dinner had me incredibly wound up and even thought I still didn't particularly like Harry I found myself craving to feel his skin against mine. Regardless of my thirst, I made a promise to myself that I would at least try to resist all of his advances. Key word: try. He still embodies everything I hate in a person.

"You know, Aspen," My reverie is stopped when I see Liam stepping inside with his phone to his ear and Harry sufficiently blocking the sun from shining down on my lounge chair, "I couldn't stop thinking about how wet you were for me all last night. Couldn't sleep a wink. What do you have to say for yourself?"

His dirty words cause me to choke slightly on my own spit, causing his smirk to intensify. How the hell could he be so blunt? Has he no shame? My heart hammers in my chest and I subtly squeeze my thighs together.

Resist Aspen. You must resist.

"I don't know. Did you have fun jerking off to that image, knowing that my hand will never replace your own?"

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