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Liam and I haven't always been the closest of siblings.

He was haughty, distant,  and competitive for the better half of our lives. Always trying –and succeeding- to one up me, thinking he was better than I was because mother approved of him. 

So, he couldn't be bothered to threaten bullies or play barbies or give advice. Because that's how mom raised him.

And then our dad left.

And it was like he got knocked down a peg or two. Whether it was sympathy or a change of heart he started to treat me more like a sister and less like an intruder in his home.

He brought me ice cream when I was sad and indulged my fascination with definitions. He beat up boys that broke my heart, covered for me when I was out too late, apologized on my mom's behalf... He was the protective brother I had always wanted.

But, now that wish was coming back to bite me in the ass.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

The table jostles slightly as  Liam shoots out of his seat –jaw clenched and fists curled as he faces Harry with a snarl on his face. Harry's words were very clear and strong -still echoing around the room- but I don't think not hearing them is why Liam demands for it to be repeated.

Harry gulps nervously at Liam's reaction and I make a statement by clasping my hand around his own, four pairs of eyes snapping to the movement.

"Aspen and I –we're dating."

Harry gulps nervously just as Liam lets out a bark of laughter that is anything but humorous, "I'm sure I heard you wrong."

I can tell Harry is also getting angry by how tightly he clenches his jaw, "Aspen is my girlfriend and I'm her boyfriend –that's what dating means."

And right now really isn't the right time, but it's the first time he has called me his girlfriend and my stomach does this weird somersault thing and my heart is singing and I really, really love him.

Liam doesn't feel the same way.

Harry's condescending tone sets him off and he is quick to jump forward, rounding the couch and lunging towards him. Niall is jumps up to stop the brewing fight, but I am faster in stepping between the two boys.

I place both palms on Liam's broad chest, but he doesn't even bother looking at me. His jaw is set and his fiery gaze is set on his best friend.

I could understand if he felt slightly protective and maybe even peeved that we kept it from him, but this?

This is too much.

"Liam, what the hell is your problem?"

He doesn't hesitate, "Harry is my problem."

I can feel Harry's chest rising and falling rapidly with every shallow breath and I can see the other three bandmates watching the confrontation nervously, but I am too busy holding Liam back to reassure them.

"Why are you being like this? I can take care of myself."

"Oh, it's not you I'm worried about. Right, Harry?"

And maybe it's paranoia or maybe it's the way he says the words like there's a double meaning, but I can't help but feel like there is more to this story than they are letting on.

Harry tenses behind me and it's like I can practically feel the rage rolling off both of them, though it seems to be for more than just us shacking up.

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