Q & A

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Why do you enjoy making me cry? @causticstyles

I'm a sadist.

How are you so good at writing? @causticstyles

I've literally been writing since I was in kindergarten and it's taken me this long to find my voice and style. Sometimes I hate how I write and sometimes I love it. It just takes patience.

Will you marry me? @causticstyles

As long as you're okay with polygamy because I'm already married to Harry.

So what about her dad? @bababooblue

I briefly touched on this in the last chapter, but you can really imagine it however you want. Aspen stated that she may or may not visit him in the future after reading the letter. I personally believe that her and Liam would go to NY to see her dad again, but it's completely up to you. That's the beauty of an open ending.

Will you attend my funeral? @brouhahas

I'll even write the eulogy.

What would you call your writing style? @MeMyStoriesandI

Word vomit? I don't know... I do use a lot of purple writing and humor. But, I'm metaphor trash, I live for extended metaphors. But, I don't know how I would classify it... What do you guys think?

Would you ever agree to publish your stories? I want the third signed copy @MeMyStoriesandI

Why the third haha? And, yes, absolutely. That is definitely a dream of mine, but I don't know if I have written anything yet worthy of publishing. And it definitely wouldn't be fanfiction –I don't want that stigma to cloud people's perception on my writing.

What do you do when you get writers block on a particular story? @MeMyStoriesandI

The best thing to do when you have writers block is NOT WRITING. It will just make you so frustrated and you'll get angry at yourself. Just go out and read a book or watch some Netflix, maybe go on an adventure. Come back to it later and see how you feel. Don't force yourself to do something you have no inspiration for.

Tell us how you imagined the story would end. @British-Style

I really kind of don't want to do that because I feel like it would kind of ruin the idea of an open ending... But... Iimaginethattheywouldtalkthingsoutandworkontheirrelationshipandeventuallylivehappyeverafterandwinthecompetitionandgetfamousandhavebabies... But I really don't want to spoil anything so, I won't speculate!

Why do you write stories? What is your motivation? @British-Styles

I've always loved to write! I don't really know why, but I want to share my stories with the world. I need to write them down or I would go crazy. I think the best way to describe it is with a quote from Mary Angelou: "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."

Will there be a sequel? @coconuthaz

Nope! Sorry guys, I think this story ended exactly how it should have ended.

How did you think of Aspen's character, like what inspired you to think of her as a girl with the definition of EVERY word? @xxbellaxx3026

I love writing characters that have little quirks that make them different. Layla has random little facts that she knows off the top of her head. Aspen has a love for words and definitions. And Nova is omnipotent and superstitious and never lies. To be honest though, I think all my characters are a little inspired by myself. I'm very superstitious, I love words, and I love learning new things. So, I think that was definitely a part of it. But, I definitely wanted a strong female character that didn't just fall at Harry's feet, but also had flaws of her own. I wanted her to be real and 3-D and have character development and I hope I've achieved that.

Are you making an epilogue? @harryxgrace

Again, no. The story really did end the way it should of. Whether they end up together or not is up to you. There is no way she would've come back and instantly ran into his arms –so either they work it out with time or they don't at all.

But, wouldn't it just be hilarious if I uploaded an epilogue like two years from now... MUAHAHA.

And no one asked me this, so I'm asking myself. What was your favorite chapter you've written?

FINIFUGAL FOR SURE. That was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever written, but one of the only chapters that I uploaded feeling completely confident about it. The writing in that one is the way I want to write all the time.

Here's one last question for you guys... Did you have a favorite word featured in this book? Did you know it before?

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