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The first thing I notice when I wake up is that I am extremely hot. My whole body seems to be covered in a thin layer of sweat and I feel slightly suffocated for some reason. It’s then that I also account for my throbbing head and the fact that my throat is as dry as the Sahara.

But, it’s the last thing I notice that has me slightly panicking.

I finally do crack open my eyelids only to find myself practically on top of and wrapped around a very pleased looking band member. What’s worse though? I drooled on his chest.

“Morning sleeping beauty.” His voice is way too smug for my liking, but it’s the deep and raspy tone of morning voice that has me practically jumping off of him.

The small couch we are on doesn’t accommodate a lot of room for movement and I struggle to entangle my limbs from Harry’s. He makes no effort to remove his arms from my waist or his legs from mine and I am happy to find that everyone is still passed out from our night of drinking and aren’t witnessing the results of my brief lapse in judgment.

My thigh that is wrapped around his waist begins to lower back to my side only to stop altogether when it brushes over something hard and intrusive. The sharp intake of breath that comes from Harry confirms exactly what it is and I grimace in disgust.

“It’s biology, baby,” he grins devilishly, while sliding his palm up my side, “But, I’m sure the fact that your body was pressed up against mine all night didn’t help the situation.”

“Don’t call me baby. And I’d remove those hands now if you still want to keep them.”

“Alright, alright… Munchkin.”

I groan in frustration before using his chest as leverage to raise myself over him and finally free my limbs from his hold. He gives me a playful pout as I wobble slightly once I stand, my mind still foggy from all the peach schnapps. I leave Harry and make my way to Niall’s kitchen before helping myself to his coffee pot –otherwise known as my one true love.

The rich smell of coffee quickly spreads throughout the trashed apartment and one by one, my friends wake from the dead to join me in the kitchen.

 “The fact that we have to go to that mixer in a few hours has the whiskey in my stomach threatening to make a reappearance.” Everyone dramatically takes a step back from a very queasy looking Niall.

Liam and I groan in remembrance of the stupid mixer for all the bands that will be participating in the small concert a few months from now. I send Niall a vicious glare for making us “celebrate” last night when we have to party tonight. I don’t know how much more my liver can take.

I don’t even see what’s there to celebrate. So, Harry has officially been in the band for a month, big deal. Shouldn’t we be crying and feeling sorry for ourselves that we’ve had to listen to his horrible jokes and flirty comebacks for a whole month now?

Because I know that at least I’m weeping inside.

It’s just an hour later that we separate ways to get ready for the mixer tonight and for once I am actually grateful that Avery forced me to go shopping. I spend a few hours wasting time by watching Friends re-runs and playing with Yoda while nursing my hangover and berating myself for cuddling with the enemy all night.

I really am dreading having to smile and make small talk with a bunch of strangers that have surely heard the gossip about Louis and me. I used to love these events and meeting new people, but ever since Louis destroyed any confidence I did have, I find it hard to maintain conversation with anyone, let alone a bunch of strangers.

Regardless, when the clock strikes five I slip on my navy jumper with thin straps and a low cut after blow drying my hair. I decide on nude heels with straps around my ankle and toes and quickly apply my rogue lipstick before slipping out the apartment quickly.

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