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*This gif should not be allowed in existence. Think about how many deaths it has caused.*

When I finally got over my fear of cooties and began to find an interest in the opposite sex my mother used to always tell me, "Aspen, never trust charming. A man who is charming by saying and doing all the right things knows the game too well. He is a method actor in the dating game and you are just another rehearsal."

These are the words that I have lived my romantic life by. I make it appoint to avoid charming men as if they are the plague. If a man never stumbles over his own words or even pauses to think, he has said the same line one too many times.

Harry Styles is a very charming man.

I have easily concluded this just by being squished in a booth with him and the rest of the band. The way his tongue so easily articulates each syllable, how his hands accentuate what he's saying like they've been telling the story for years, and the cocky grin that remains on his lips throughout his entire conversation with Avery are all tell-tale signs.

He is definitely very well-rehearsed in charming the pants off of people. Literally.

The way that he got everyone to agree to have drinks tonight to celebrate his welcome to the band is proof enough. Even though Liam hates bars and Avery herself told me she wanted to cuddle up with Netflix, Harry snapped his fingers, and it was done.

Now, I at least know how he weaseled his way into the band.

It could also be the accent. Yes, the raspy English accent was definitely a factor,

"Ask Aspen, she'll know the answer." Avery acknowledges me for the first time since we sat down and I begrudgingly sit up in my seat at Harry turns to me with that stupid smirk.

"What's the card game that old people play where you're set up in pairs? Like, the more cards you have the higher the points and you play with tricks I think? And each deal has-"


"That's it," Harry sends me a wolfish grin before turning back around to Avery, "So, the joke was; having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand."

Avery immediately howls with laughter and Harry chuckles along with her, but she is more likely laughing at how his accent causes him to pronounce words funny rather than the less than impressive joke.

"That was awful." I deadpan and Harry turns to me with a glint in his emerald eyes.

"Maybe because it hits too close to home?"

"Or because you had to ask me what the main punchline for the joke was called."

I snort and take a long swig of my beer, noticing that Avery has gotten up to use the loo. Zayn has gone to talk to the DJ, Niall is dancing by himself on the dancefloor, and Liam mysteriously disappeared as soon as we walked in. Leaving me alone with my replacement. Great. Harry's grin is suspiciously larger when I bring the bottle back down.

And that's also when I notice that his eyes are trained on my chest.

"Find anything interesting?" The slight buzz that courses through my veins helps control my temper because otherwise, the neck of my bottle would be stuck somewhere where the sun don't shine.

"Oh, you have no idea, Munchkin." His husky voice rasps and he finally rises his gaze to meet my unamused one, "So, tell me why I'm here."

"First of all, don't call me munchkin. And secondly, because you forced everyone to come out to this bar?"

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