Other Prompt

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Prompt: Maybe a prompt where all the adopted kids (Dominick,Sasha,Newt,Maddox etc.) share a same class in highschool, please?

A.N.- I apologize that this is so short, and probably a little confusing? But Misha is from He's My Dork, Maddox is the son of Jace and Mitch from Kill The Lights, Newt is the son of Will and Ethan from Changing Will, and Sasha is the daughter of Dimitri and Theo from Outside The Lines!


                Misha Redner watched as students started filing into his classroom, looking tired yet excited for a new year. He knew the excitement would die down by the end of the week, but he’d always loved the first day of school.

                A boy with blond-brown hair walked in, and Misha could remember hearing about him. Maddox Marion, a strange name, was a demon of a boy. He’d heard that Maddox was known for causing trouble, but that he could be nice if you could crack through his tough outer shell.

                Coming in behind him was a smaller boy, another one Misha had heard about, because this boy was the son of famous film maker William Duvet. Newton Duvet was said to have enough sass to drown his teachers in.

                And trailing in shortly after that was Sasha Ivanov, another student Misha had heard about. His coworkers had told him that she was a shy, but sweet girl. Her father was an economics professor at the nearby college.

                The kids all sat down, and Misha mentally sighed. This would be an interesting year for sure. The bell rang, and he wrote his name on the board.

                “Welcome everyone. I’m Mr. Redner, and I’m your English teacher!” he said with a smile.

                “Is this class going to involve a shit ton of reading early in the morning, because I’m not about that,” Maddox said. Misha had also heard that you were lucky if you got to teach his younger brother, Andy Marion, and cursed if you got stuck with Maddox.

                “Reading is fun if you have the intelligence to read past a first grade level,” Newt Duvet said. “You should pick up a book sometime, Maddox. It’ll do you some good. Maybe then you can learn how to spell something other than your name.”

                “At least my name isn’t Newt,” Maddox said.

                “Yea, Maddox isn’t much better,” Newt said, unconcerned.

                “I ship them,” Misha heard a girl in the front whisper to her friend.

                “Settle down!” Misha said, realizing he should break them up before they fought too much. He was glad his own sons were never like this.

                Sasha raised her hand, looking shy. Misha turned and smiled, nodding at her.

                “Mr. Redner, are we supposed to buy books for this class?” she asked.

                “Nope! I’ll supply all the books. And yes, Maddox, we’ll be reading in the morning,” he said.

                “Careful, big words confuse Maddox,” Newt said. Sasha hid her head as she giggled a little. “I think the only Of Mice and Men reference he’ll be able to get is the one about the glove of Vaseline.”

                Maddox kicked Newt. “Shut up, bastard.”

                “You wound my soul,” Newt said. “And my shin. But mostly my soul.”

                “I’m going to wound your face next,” Maddox grumbled.

                “Great comeback, really superb.” Newt clapped. “That deserves a round of applause for its genius, awe inspiring complexity.”

                “Both of you stop it!” Misha said, although he was never good at being stern.

                “Wow, you’re like a giant puppy,” Newt said.

                “Let’s just start,” Misha said with a sigh, passing out the syllabi.

                He watched as Sasha accidentally knocked hers off of her desk. It hit the ground near Maddox’s feet, and he reached over, picking it up and holding it out to Sasha.

                “Here,” Maddox said, and the smile on his face was small, but it was honest and kind.

                “Thanks,” Sasha said, blushing shyly as she took the paper from him.

                “Look at that, you do have a heart,” Newt said, nudging Maddox. “I think it just grew three sizes.”

                “Shut up Newton,” Maddox said, punching his arm good naturedly.

                Misha mentally sighed but smiled a little. Maybe there was hope for those three after all.

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