Other Prompts- Galen/Liam #5

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Prompt: Galen and Liam fighting and they end up breaking up but they go a week or a day whatever and they start to miss each other so one or both end up apologizing and happy :)


                Galen tried to cling to his patience, but Liam was really getting on his nerves today. Liam was also beginning to get annoyed with Galen.

                “Galen, come on, talk to me,” he said, pushing his boyfriend against the lockers and leaning in. He grinned and moved forwards to kiss him.

                Galen shoved Liam away. “Stop it! You know I don’t like PDA!” Galen said, trying to keep his voice down so that they wouldn’t attract more attention than they already had.

                Liam looked at him in frustration. “Come on, that’s not fair. I want to kiss you.”

                “It’s not all about what you want!” Galen said, glaring at Liam. “You’re so selfish Liam. If I don’t want to make out with you in a public place, than you shouldn’t force me too.”

                “I’m not selfish!” Liam snapped, stepping away from Galen. “You damn prude.”

                “I hate when you call me that,” Galen said flatly.

                “And I hate the way you act sometimes. Like you’re better than everyone else,” Liam said.

                Galen stared at him. “Me? Have you met yourself, Liam? You’re cocky and selfish. And I’m getting sick of it.”

                “And I’m getting sick of you. You think you’re too good for everyone,” Liam said angrily. Galen could act closed off and all holier-than-thou, and Liam hated it.

                “Whatever Liam,” Galen growled.

                “You know what? We’re done,” Liam said, his temper flaring. “I’m breaking up with you. See if you’re too good for that, asshole.” He turned and stormed away from Liam.

                “Good! I’m done with you!” Galen spat after him, ignoring the curious teens in the hallway watching them.

                Galen gathered the rest of his things out of his locker and left the school. He saw Liam’s car just leaving the parking lot, and glared after it.

                He climbed into his own car and drove himself home. His dad looked up as he entered the house and frowned.

                “Galen, what’s wrong?” he asked in concern.

                “Liam and I broke up. I don’t want to talk about it. I was sick of him and he was sick of me,” Galen said, clenching his fists and storming up the stairs and into his bedroom.

                Meanwhile, Liam entered his house, ignoring his parents and going into his bedroom. He grabbed the picture frame that held his favorite picture of him and Galen, and tossed it into his closet without a second thought.

                He fell back on his bed, folding his hands behind his head and closing his eyes. Whatever, he didn’t need Galen. It was just a stupid high school relationship. He would get over it and move on.


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