Other Prompts- Jude/Nate Prompt #3

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Prompt: Can you do one where Nate is comforting Jude after his breakup and it gets a little weird and maybe even steamy!

I'm actually having fun with the Jude/Nate prompts, so if you have one, send it to me while I'm still on a roll with them XD


                I rang the doorbell and waited until Jude’s dad, Sydney, pulled it open. He led me into the house and chewed his lip nervously.

                “He’s really upset, Nate,” he said.

                “Why? Did something happen?” I asked curiously.

                “He didn’t say much. Just that Gideon had broken up with him. He locked himself in his room,” he said.

                “Gideon broke up with him?” I asked in shock. Why would he do that? Had Benji and Ethan done something?

                Sydney nodded. “That’s all he said,” he said, nervously running a hand through his hair. “I’m worried about him.”

                “Nathan, I’m glad you’re here,” his mom, Tatiana, said as she came into the room. “Someone needs to talk to Judeikas. I just tried to get into his room, but he won’t let me.” She sighed and shook her head. “He’s so upset. I’ve never seen him this upset before. Nate, I think you’re the only one he’ll talk to.”

                “Yea, I’ll go talk to him,” I said with a frown.

                “Thank you. I have to admit that I’m worried about Judeikas,” Tatiana said with a sigh. “I know it’s just a breakup but…he’s young. He’s not handling it well.”

                “I’ll see if I can help him,” I said and hurried up the stairs and down to Jude’s bedroom. I knocked on the door. “Jude, it’s me! Let me in.”

                The door opened a minute later and Jude let me into his room. He shut the door and locked it, heading over to his bed and sitting down.

                “What happened? You dad told me that Gideon broke up with you,” I said.

                “He did,” Jude said. He looked up at me and I nearly went into shock. His eyes slightly red, which meant that he had cried. Jude never cried.

                “What happened?” I asked, grabbing a chair from his desk and sitting across from him.

                He clenched his fists tightly, rage growing on his face. “That stupid bastard,” he snarled. “I attacked Benji and Ethan when they were on bikes, and Sonnet recorded it. Ethan and Sonnet convinced Benji to show Gideon, and he dumped me.”

                He spent a few minutes explaining everything in detail, his rage growing even more as he spoke. But I could also recognize the agony underneath the anger. He was hurt. Hell, he was absolutely crushed.

                “That bastard,” I growled. “Hell, all of them. We’ll get back at all of them, Jude.”

                “Don’t touch Gideon!” he snapped, glaring at me. “You can do whatever the hell you want to Benji, Ethan, and Sonnet. But don’t lay a damn finger on Gideon.”

                “Why not?” I asked, glaring back at him. “He hurt you!”

                “Because of them!” he cried, standing up. “They ruined everything for me!”

                Realizing that he had to get his anger out somehow, I faced him. “Maybe you ruined it for yourself. You shouldn’t have gone after Benji.”

                Without another word, Jude let his fist fly at me. It collided with my chest and I stumbled backwards, wincing.

                “You knew it was dangerous, but you were too cocky to even consider getting caught!” I said.

                He hit me in the face, looking angry and hurt and desperate. He began to punch me, over and over again, his blows growing weaker.

                I tackled him back onto his bed, restraining his arms as he struggled against me. I had never seen Jude lose his cool before. I never even imagined that I would see him in such a pathetic state. This wasn’t Jude. It hurt to see him like this.

                Jude stopped struggling against me. He refused to meet my eyes as he realized how out of character he was acting.

                “Get off me,” he grumbled.

                “No,” I said, keeping a tightly hold on his wrists so that he couldn’t fight me off. “Not until you’ve calmed down.”

                “I am calm,” he said, shooting a glare at me.

                I looked down at him. “You’re hurt,” I said.

                He tried to get out from under me, but I wrapped my legs around his, pressing my weight against his body. He wasn’t getting away that easily.

                “Get off!” he said impatiently.

                Our faces were dangerously close, and his dark eyes glared into mine. My heart was suddenly pounding.

                “No,” I said quietly. “I won’t get off of you, Jude.”

                My mind went blank as I leaned down, kissing Jude. He kissed me back, and I could feel his desperation as his lips worked together with mine.

                This was so wrong. I was straight, and Jude was my best friend who had just gotten his heart broken. Why was I kissing him? Why was he kissing me?

                But everything seemed to fade away as the kiss deepened. Jude parted my lips with the ease of someone who had been in a relationship for a while, and his tongue explored my mouth with no resistance from me.

                My hands released his wrists, sliding under his shirt, feeling his warm skin. I brushed them over his abs, and his body shivered in response.

                It occurred to me that Jude and Gideon had had sex on Jude’s bed on multiple occasions. Just the other day he told me they made love on his bed, actually.

                But as his hands moved and pulled my shirt off, I realized that they didn’t matter anymore. Jude and Gideon were through.

                We broke away and stared at each other for a few awkward seconds. I bit my lip nervously.

                “Feeling calmer?” I asked.

                His trademark smirk curled onto his face. “Far from it,” he said, and pulled me back down on top of him. 

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