Other Prmpts= Jude/Nate #6

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Prompt: Can you do a prompt about Jude and Nate at school and someone is hitting on Jude and Nate gets surprisingly jealous?

Why do I love Jude and Nate so much? XD I think I have one more Jude/Nate prompt to do c:


                I walked into school and searched around until I found Jude and Landon leaning against the wall together. Jude peeled himself off of the wall and came over to me.

                “Nate,” he said. “You’re running late today.”

                “Sorry. My brother was hogging the shower,” I said.

                “Let’s go,” he said as Landon joined us.

                The three of us headed to our lockers. We stopped at Jude’s last, and Landon and I waited as he began to put in his combination.


                I glanced over curiously as an attractive guy came over. I faintly recognized him as a hot shot lacrosse player, but couldn’t remember his name for the life of me.

                “Noah,” Jude said, eyeing him.

                Oh yea! Noah Langdon, that was his name. But what the hell was he doing talking to Jude?

                Noah eyed Jude appreciatively and leaned against the locker next to his. “You look good today.”

                “I look good every day,” Jude said with a smirk. His usual smugness rose in his eyes.

                “Indeed you do,” Noah said, grinning at him. “Do you want to hang out afterschool?”

                “Jude is not actually considering that offer, is he?” I grumbled to Landon.

                Landon raised an eyebrow at me. “Why do you care if he is?”

                I fought off a blush. “Because…Because he’s still hurt from Gideon!”

                “Exactly. He needs a distraction. Let him have a one night stand if he wants to,” Landon said with a shrug. “He hasn’t been himself since that shit with Gideon happened. Maybe sex with this guy will help him get his mind off it. Or even better, maybe he’ll fall for Noah.”

                Why was I so angry? I just wanted to go over and punch this Noah guy. Why the hell was he flirting with Jude?

                I shook that thought out of my head. Of course he was flirting with Jude. Jude was tall and tan. He had that impossibly black hair and eyes so dark you couldn’t see his pupils. He had a confidence about him that added to his looks. His white button-up shirt was lazily undone at the top, revealing part of his chest. He had-

                WHOA. He was just my best friend. Why was I looking at him like this?

                “Maybe I’ll hang out with you. If I feel like it,” Jude said to Noah.

                “I think you’ll feel like it,” Noah said, tilting Jude’s head so that Jude was meeting his eyes.

                “Oh, I will?” Jude’s smirk grew.

                “You will,” Noah confirmed. “We’ll have fun.” He dropped a flirtatious wink.

                I clenched my fists and grit my teeth, glaring at Noah in disgust. I was shocked to detect the severe jealousy suddenly coursing through me.

                Landon glanced at me and laughed. “Dude, are you jealous?”

                “No!” I lied, not taking my eyes off of Jude and Noah as they stared into each other’s eyes.

                “Better go drag Jude away. It looks like they might kiss,” Landon taunted.

                But I realized that he was right. Noah’s face was getting steadily closer to Jude’s, and Jude wasn’t pulling away from him.

                I stormed over, gripping Jude’s arm and dragging him away. “Come on,” I snarled at him.

                “What the hell?” He stared at me in confusion. “What are you doing?”

                “You’re looking for a rebound,” I said. “I’m not letting you do that to yourself.”

                His confusion evaporated and he smirked at me. “Nate…is that jealousy in your eyes?”

                I blushed hard. “No. Shut up Judeikas.”

                He chuckled. “Sure it’s not, Nate. Sure it’s not.”

                I glared at him, stopping and releasing his arm. His smirk grew and he leaned over, kissing my cheek.

                “See you later Nate,” he said, winking at me and walking away as the bell rang. 

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