Other Prompts- Jude/Nate #4

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Prompt: I have an idea for another prompt Jude/Nate! Where Jude and Nate are making out and Will,Ethan and Asher walked in,

Ughhh I seriously love doing Jude/Nate prompts. They're my guilty pleasure c; 


                I rang the doorbell and Nate’s dad smiled and let me into the house. “Hiya Jude! Nate is upstairs in his room,” he said with a smile.

                “Thank you,” I said, turning and heading upstairs.

                “Oh god, that thing is here?”

                I paused and stepped back, smirking as my eyes landed on Ethan and Will. They were sitting in Asher’s bedroom, and Ethan was staring at me with an expression that said he wanted me to go die in a hole somewhere.

                “Hello Ethan,” I said.      

                “Hey Jude,” Asher greeted me. “Nathan is in his room.”

                “I was just heading there, Asher,” I said.

                “Well go on. None of us want you here,” Will snarled.

                “You’re definitely Sonnet’s brother.” I chuckled and walked away, trying not to grimace at the remembrance of Sonnet kicking me between the legs. Thank god I was gay and had no plans of having children, because she would have dashed those dreams with that kick.

                I let myself into Nate’s room. He rolled over on his bed and looked up at me, shutting his laptop.

                “Hey,” he greeted.

                “Hey,” I said, going over to him and kissing him.

                It had been a secret thing for a little while now. I would come here, things would get heated, and we would act casual about it the next day at school. No one would ever catch on.

                Nate shifted, pulling me down on top of himself, his lips working against mine easily. I bit his bottom lip and he opened his mouth, allowing my tongue in. It rubbed against his, and Nate hurriedly pulled my shirt off.

                As his hands explored my chest, I pulled his shirt off. His legs wrapped around my waist, pulling my body against his. His legs were muscular from soccer, and he liked to flaunt that.

                Nate’s hands tangled in my hair and I gripped his hips. I grinded my body against his, earning a light moan from Nate.

                “Holy shit!”

                We broke away from each other in surprise. I rolled off of Nate as we stared at his doorway. Neither of us had even heard the door opening.

                But there stood Asher, Will, and Ethan, gawking at us openly.

                Nate’s face paled as he stared at them. My brain quickly searched for a way to lie out of this, but, finding no believable lie, I settled for coming up with ways to scare them off before they could tell anyone what they had just seen.

                “Well, someone’s sure over Gideon,” Ethan said, breaking the silence between us.

                “Get out,” Nate whispered in horror. “Get out of my room.”

                “Holy shit,” Asher repeated. “Nate, you were just making out with Jude.”

                “Thanks for that captain obvious,” Ethan said to him. “I’m sure Nate didn’t even notice that his tongue was halfway down Jude’s throat.”

                Nate’s face paled even more, and I shifted so that I was partially blocking him from their view. My own face was heating up a little.

                “So what was that, Jude?” Will asked, raising an eyebrow. “I thought you two were just best friends. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone found out about this?”

                “No!” Nate said in alarm. Even I felt a little panicked inside. Nate didn’t want people knowing he was kissing me. We had already talked about it.

                “You won’t tell anyone,” I said.

                “Oh? And why wouldn’t we?” Will asked.

                “Because if you do tell, I’ll be sure to let Asher’s parents know that he likes sneaking his girlfriend into the house to have sex,” I said.

                “Oh come on, don’t drag me and my girlfriend into this! My parents would ground me for the rest of my life!” Asher whined. He glanced at Will and Ethan and pouted. “If either of you tell anyone about Nate and Jude, I’ll kill you.”

                Will scowled. “Fine, we won’t,” he grumbled reluctantly.

                “Now, get out,” I said calmly.

                Ethan opened his mouth, but Asher slapped a hand over it and dragged him and Will out of the room. I waited until the door shut before turning to Nate.

                “They won’t tell anyone. I’ll make sure they won’t,” I promised him.

                “Thank you,” he said quietly.

                I pulled him into my arms and kissed him. “No problem. Now, I believe we were doing something before we were interrupted.”

                Nate grinned at me, and we resumed our previous activities with passion.

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