Other Prompt- The Fag Swag/Alone Together

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A.N.- Uhhh okay so for those of you who read Alone Together, you might've put it together that Ace is the older cousin of Phil from The Fag Swag. So I decided to write a little chapter of them playing together when they were little!


                "Your father and I are going to talk," Rachel Brooks said to her nephew. "Keep an eye on my kid, and don't wreck shit around the house."

                Ace Foley nodded obediently. He watched as his Aunt left the room, and turned to his little cousin, Phil.

                "Phil, come on," he said. "We can go outside so we don't get in trouble."

                "I don't wanna," Phil said.

                Ace crossed his arms. "Phil, come on. We're going outside. Unless you want your mom and my dad to get pissed off."

                Phil glared at Ace. "Don't tell me what to do."

                "I'm older than you. Listen to me," Ace said.

                "No," Phil said.

                "Phillip!" Ace said. "Let's go outside!"

                "No! I'll tell mommy you're being a dick!" Phil said, punching Ace's arm.

                Ace yanked his arm away. "Cut it out! Stop being a brat!"

                He wanted to hit his cousin back, but he didn't know if that would get him in trouble with his dad and his Aunt. So he resisted the urge, and instead grabbed Phil's arm, dragging him towards the backdoor.

                "Come on. We're going outside," he said. Ace was usually quiet and shy, but he knew he had to be bossy around Phil, otherwise the younger boy wouldn't listen to him.

                "Let me go! Bitch!" Phil snapped, punching at Ace. "Ace! Let me go!"

                Ace managed to drag Phil outside and shoved him onto the grass. "We're staying outside," Ace said. He fidgeted, peeking at the windows, hoping that they wouldn't get in trouble as long as they stayed outside.

                "I'm telling mommy and Uncle Alan," Phil said, standing up.

                "Go ahead, be a tattletale. Only little babies do that," Ace said, hoping to stop Phil from tattling on him. He really didn't want to get in trouble with his dad.

                "I'm not a little baby!" Phil huffed.

                "Then don't tell them." Ace sat on the grass, becoming his usual quiet self, nervously peeking at the window and hoping that he could shrink in on himself enough to become invisible.

                "Ace?" Phil went over, childish confusion on his face as he nudged his older cousin with his toe. "Ace, don't be quiet and boring. I wanna play. I'm bored. I won't tell mommy and Uncle Alan if you play with me."

                Ace looked up at him. "What do you want to play?" he asked. Phil was four years younger than him, and he wasn't sure what the little boy's idea of "fun" was.

                "Let's see who can throw the rocks the farthest!" Phil said, picking up a rock from the ground.

                Ace shrugged and grabbed a rock. The two boys began tossing the rocks as far as they could, jogging over to judge whose had gone the farthest. Phil got angry as he kept losing, so Ace forced himself to lose before Phil got too pissed off and had a tantrum.

                As it grew later, the boys began to chase around dragonflies that were in the backyard. Ace was careful to quiet Phil down when the little boy started getting too loud. He knew it would be best if the adults forgot they were even there.

                Darkness had claimed the day as the two boys began to grow tired. They had been running around all day in the yard. Ace would slip into his quiet moments, and Phil would have to drag his cousin out of them.

                They were currently standing in the front yard, kicking an old soccer ball back and forth. Phil kept yawning, and even Ace couldn't resist letting a few yawns slip out. He wasn't sure what time it was, or how late his father planned to stay.


                Ace cringed, nearly missing the soccer ball. He slowly turned to face his father and Aunt, who had come outside.

                "Get the hell away from the road! Or do you want to get hit by a car?" his father demanded.

                "I'm sorry dad," Ace mumbled, dropping his head and hurrying away from the road, gesturing at Phil to follow him.

                "If some drunk driver had gone by, you and your cousin would be dead right now," Alan Brooks said, glaring at Ace. "You're 8, Ace. You shouldn't be that damn stupid. We're leaving."

                "Phil!" Rachel barked. Phil ran over and she roughly grabbed his arm. "Say goodbye and then go to bed."

                "Bye Ace, bye Uncle Alan," Phil said, looking up at them.

                "Bye Phil," Ace said. "Bye Aunt Rachel."

                Ace followed his father into the car, buckling his seatbelt and peeking out of the window. Phil waved to him eagerly, and Ace gave a shy wave back. He could never tell if Phil liked him or not, and he had a feeling Phil didn't even know if he liked his cousin or not. Ace shrank down in the seat, glad they hadn't gotten in worse trouble today. 

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