Rio/Ethan #3

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Prompt: Could you do one where Ethan's parents have to go out and they don't want to leave Ethan alone and will, Sonnet, Benji, and Gideon are all busy so he has to hang out with Rio, Jace, Shane, and Mitch? I just wanna see their reaction to Ethan.

A.N.- Um okay I didn't really know what to put this under since it's mostly Swan Song, but also clashes with Changing Will...? .__. So we'll just file it under Rio/Ethan XD Hope you like it!


                “Mom, I don’t want to go to Rio’s house,” I whined as the car neared my cousin’s house.

                “Why not? You and Rio have always gotten along fine. Besides, your father and I don’t want to leave you home alone,” mom said.

                “I don’t understand why I can’t just stay home alone. It’s not my fault all my friends and my boyfriend are busy,” I grumbled, crossing my arms and glaring out of the window.

                “We don’t want to leave you home alone,” she repeated.

                “So the best idea you could come up with was to leave me with a couple whose oldest is a heroin addict and whose youngest is more obnoxious than me?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

                “Ethan, stop that,” dad said sternly. “Your aunt and uncle will not appreciate your sarcasm about Hank, and your mom and I don’t want to hear it. You’re going there for a little, so deal with it.”

                “Yea, yea,” I said, rolling my eyes.

                The car pulled into the driveway and I got out of the car. I turned to my parents before shutting the door.

                “Thank you for abandoning me,” I said.

                “You’re welcome,” dad said, leaning back so he could pull my door shut and pull out of the driveway.

                “Rude!” I yelled after them as the car disappeared.

                I turned and walked up the driveway, ringing the doorbell. My aunt Jill opened the door and smiled at me.

                “Hi Ethan! Rio and Mitch are in Rio’s room,” she said.

                “Who the hell is Mitch?” I asked in confusion.

                “Oh, sorry. Mitch is Rio’s best friend,” she said. “I think you’ll like Mitch, he’s a nice boy. Anyways, they’re in his room so feel free to head on down there.”

                “Okay,” I said with a sigh, turning and making my way down the hallway to Rio’s bedroom.

                I let myself in and was met with a very suggestive sight. Rio was pinning a very attractive boy to the floor, their legs tangled together and Rio’s weight thrown against him.

                Rio looked over and squinted at me. “Who is that? Ethan? Mitch, is that Ethan?”

                “I don’t know who Ethan is,” the attractive boy, Mitch, said. “Is Ethan cute and scrawny?”

                “That’s Ethan,” Rio confirmed, turning his attention back to Mitch. “Now give me my glasses you asshole.”

                “Oh, I forgot you’re blind,” I said, leaning against the wall and watching Rio wrestle with Mitch for his glasses.

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