Other Prompts- Rio/Hank #4

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Prompt: While Rio is watching Hank, he leaves his wallet out purposely with money in it and falls asleep purposely to see what Hank would do. Would he take the money or not?


                I looked over at Hank. We were sitting in the living room watching TV since our parents were out for a little.

                Hank was staring blankly, just like usual. I forced myself to look away from him. The weight of my wallet suddenly felt heavy in my back pocket.

                Maybe it was dirty and dishonest, but I was going to test my brother. I had to know. I just had to know how far gone he was.

                I pulled my wallet out of my pocket and opened it, leafing through my money. Hank looked over at me.

                “What are you doing?” he asked, his eyes locked on the money in there.

                “Uncle Greg paid me to help him paint the garage a couple days ago. I’m just seeing how much I have. There’s a concert I really want to go to with Mitch,” I lied.

                “Oh,” he said, eyeing the money one more time before turning back to the TV. His leg was shaking anxiously, and he started biting his lip again.

                I tossed my wallet onto the coffee table lazily, throwing my phone next to it. I curled up in the chair and yawned.

                Hank glanced at me again. “Tired?”

                “I didn’t sleep last night. I was playing a game online with Mitch,” I lied.

                He shrugged and turned back to the TV. I waited a few minutes before closing my eyes. I peeked them open just enough that I could see the wallet, but Hank wouldn’t be able to see my eyes open.

                I heard Hank shift on the couch. His leg was still shaking, and I had a feeling he was still biting his lip.

                “Rio?” His voice was lower than a whisper, so low I barely heard it. “Rio?” A little louder this time.

                Then it was silent for a minute. Hank stood up and went over to the coffee table. He grabbed the wallet, glancing at me as he did so.

                He opened my wallet and looked at the money inside. He closed my wallet and stuffed it in his back pocket, glancing at me again.

                He turned and started creeping out of the room. I sat up, crossing my arms as he neared the doorway.

                “Going somewhere?” I asked loudly.

                He winced and turned to face me. “The bathroom.”

                “The bathroom is the other way,” I said, pointing at the opposite hallway. “Give me my wallet, Hank.”

                He stared at me, and I could see the debate in his mind. Make a run for it with my wallet, or hand it over and hope I didn’t tell our parents.

                He looked behind him, where the nearest exit was too far to reach without me catching him. He reluctantly took my wallet out of his pocket and whipped it at me with such force than I yelped as it hit me in the arm.

                “You could’ve handed it over nicely,” I whined, rubbing my arm.

                “Leave me alone you piece of shit!” he snapped.

                “Sit on the couch,” I said calmly.

                He glared at me in hate before sitting back on the couch, pulling his knees up to his chest. I tucked my wallet into my pocket securely.

                I shouldn’t be surprised, I really shouldn’t. He had stolen my money before. But I found myself unable to look at my brother, disgusted with the lows he had sunk to. 

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