Galen/Liam #8

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Prompt: Galen and Liam's first Halloween together.


                “Galen, what time are you

getting home tonight?” mom asked.

                I shrugged, zipping up the

Pikachu jacket I had stolen from Dimitri. “I don’t know. I might sleep over

Liam’s house. I’ll text you.”

                “Okay. Have fun,” mom said,


                I waved to her and dad and left

the house, getting in my car. I drove myself to Liam’s house and went up to the

door, ringing the doorbell.

                Liam opened the door and grinned

at me. “Well, I guess I finally get the treat part of the night.”

                “Hi Liam.” I leaned forward and

kissed him.

                He shut his front door and

zipped up his Squirtle jacket. “Let’s go to that party!” he said, grabbing my

hand and pulling me over to his car.

                “I don’t know about this, Liam,”

I said nervously, climbing into the car with him. I usually just stayed home

and helped my parents pass out candy. This was my first Halloween with Liam,

and I knew that he liked to go to parties.

                “It’ll be fun, Galen! I promise!”

Liam said, backing out of the driveway.

                I sighed and leaned back in the

seat, deciding to just Liam. He parked a little while later and we got out of

the car.

                Liam held my hand as we walked

up the street to a house with fake fog surrounding it and music and lights exploding

from inside. Liam pushed open the front door and led me into the house.

                “Liam!” someone cheered.

                I looked around the crowded

house. I recognized a lot of people, but I didn’t know them well enough to sit

around and talk with them.

                “Come on,” Liam called over the

music, leading me into the kitchen of the house. He grabbed a beer and held it

out to me, but I shook my head.

                “I don’t drink,” I said over the

music. “Besides, I’ll drive us home so you can drink.”

                “Loosen up Galen!” he said,

opening the beer and taking a sip of it.

                “Liam, come here!” someone said,

grabbing his arm and yanking him away from me.

                I sighed and squeezed through

people to the living room, slouching against the wall in the corner and

watching everyone. People were dancing, talking, laughing, and playing games.

But I was bored out of my mind and wished I was home.

                I pulled the hood of my jacket

up to hide my face. I hated loud, crowded places, but this was where Liam

wanted to be, so I would stay here and drive him home when he was ready to


                After about an hour of me hiding

in the corner, Liam shoved through people and over to me. He pushed my hood

back and frowned.

                “Have you been here the whole

time? I thought you were hanging out with people!” he said.

                “I don’t like parties,” I said

with a shrug.

                He sighed. “Come on,” he said,

taking my hand and leading me out of the party.

                “Liam!” I said, trying to stop

him. “You can stay if you’re having fun! I don’t mind!”

                “You look fucking adorable,” he

said, pulling my hood back up. He pushed me against the side of the house and

kissed me hard.

                “Liam.” I blushed and put my

arms around his neck.

                “That party was boring. Let’s do

something fun,” he said, kissing me again.

                “Like what?” I asked.

                “We can go hide in the cornfields

and scare kids, or trick-or-treat like we’re kids again, or just go back to my

house and have sexy time,” he said, winking.

                I rolled my eyes and hit him in

the chest lightly. “Pervert.” I kissed him. “Let’s go to the cornfields.”

                “Alright, alright, we can make

out in the cornfield and occasionally scare kids. Come on, being with you is

more fun than being at a party,” he said with one of his sweet smiles that he

reserved for me.

                I kissed him again. “Let’s go,” I

said, taking his hand in mine, returning the smile.

                “We’re going to make this a

great Halloween!” he said, nuzzling against my neck before pulling me towards

his car. I sighed and gave him a small smile, knowing we’d spend a lot of time

in the cornfield…

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