Other Prompts

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Prompt: JUDE/NATE (NUDE): A first kiss, either something that happened previously when Jude was discovering his sexuality or something REALLY cute from when they were tiny lol. if in the present then Nate's upset about something and Jude is comforting him. If in the past n Jude starts the kiss, if in the present Nate starts the kiss

Ummm so I didn't know what to file a Jude/Nate prompt under, so I just started this "Other" category XD Also, this is just part 1 of the prompt, I'll write the second part tomorrow because I'm exhausted right now haha. Hope you enjoy!


                People were yelling, but I tried to block them out. I was running as fast as I could, my feet pounding against the ground. My chest burned as I gasped for air.

                I was almost there. I could stop him. I just had to-

                “Gah!” I let out a strangled noise as I stripped over my own feet, slamming to the ground. I watched in despair as the player on the other team drilled the ball into the goal. The ref blew his whistle and I angrily punched the ground.

                Landon ran over to me, trying to help me up. I shoved him off of me, not in the mood. I had just completely fucked up when my team was counting on me.

                Once Coach was done bitching us all out, me excessively, I drove myself home. I ignored my parents as they tried to catch up to me in the driveway. I was so not in the mood for people right now.

                I went up to my bedroom and slammed the door. I dropped onto my bed and buried my face in my hands.

                My door swung open and I looked up, ready to snap at my parents or brother. But I shut my mouth as Jude leaned in my doorway.

                “Nice trip,” he said.

                “Shut up,” I snarled. “If you’re here to tease me, just get out. I’m pissed off, Judeikas.”

                “I’d be pissed too if I tripped and let the other team score the winning goal,” he said.

                “Out!” I snapped.

                “Nah,” he said, coming into my room and shutting the door. He sat next to me on my bed and rolled his eyes. “Okay, you messed up. Big deal. Everyone screws up at some point, Nate.”

                His lips twitched and I knew he was thinking about Gideon Marchesane. God, I hated Gideon. He had caused Jude so much pain when he dumped him. I had never seen Jude lose his cool before. Never seen him in so much pain.

                “But I screwed up badly,” I reminded him. “I lost the game for us.”

                “No you didn’t. Nate, you’re on a team. Everyone messed up. Landon didn’t catch that guy either, your goalie missed the ball, and Brian’s the one who lost the ball in the first place. So it wasn’t just you,” he said.

                “I shouldn’t have tripped,” I mumbled, glaring at my feet.

                Jude tipped my head so that I was looking at him. “Nate, you didn’t do it on purpose. You were running wicked fast and you tripped. Big deal. I can guarantee everyone will forget about it by tomorrow. People make mistakes. It’s not your fault the team lost the game.”

                I looked into Jude’s eyes. His dark features had always fascinated me. I could just barely make out his pupils. The smugness that was usually present in his eyes was currently absent. Just honesty was in those eyes now.

                My gaze fell to his lips. They were thin and soft looking. I snapped my eyes back to his eyes, mentally slapping myself. Why was I staring at Jude’s lips? I was straight!

                But…a part of me had always been attracted to Jude. How could I not be? He was sexy as hell, and he was smart. He had been my best friend since we were little, and I saw a softer side of him that hardly anyone else saw. Maybe Gideon and I were the only ones who had ever seen that side of Jude.

                “You’re being too quiet,” he said. “Are you okay, Nate?”

                “Fine,” I mumbled. “I’m fine, Jude.”

                He cocked his head to the side curiously, his black hair tumbling into his eyes. “Are you sure?”

                I reached out, pushing his hair out of his face. I was surprised to see my hands trembling a little.

                “Jude,” I said and gulped.

                “What?” he asked.

                I bit my lip hard before gripping his shirt and pulling him towards me, giving into my urges and pressing my lips against is. Jude was shocked for a second before easily kissing me back.

                We pulled away from each other and my face paled, realizing that I had probably just ruined our friendship. Jude placed a hand on my shoulder and I timidly peeked up at him.

                He smirked, the usual smugness back in his dark eyes. “I can’t blame you for wanting to do that,” he said.

                “What does this mean, Jude?” I asked quietly. Was I…Did this mean we were…

                “I don’t know,” he said, letting his arm slide around my shoulders. His smirk grew. “But we’ll figure it out, Nate.” 

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