Other Prompts- Jude/Nate #8

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Prompt: Can you do one where Jude and Nate are doing stuff and Landon walks in? I kinda want to know what his reaction to their relationship would be.


                “What if your parents walk in?” Nate mumbled against my lips.

                “They won’t. My mom’s working on a proposal and I told my dad to leave us alone so we could get work done,” I said before bringing my lips back to his.

                Nate tangled his hands in my hair. We stumbled until my back was pressed against the wall, Nate’s body pinning me there.

                Our lips were parting and connecting with furious intensity. My heartbeat was steadily increasing as my hands hurried to tug his shirt off and throw it to the ground.

                Nate pulled me away from the wall and we somehow managed to find our way over to my bed. We collapsed on it, Nate on top of me.

                God only knew how many times I’d had sex with Gideon on my bed. But that didn’t matter anymore. Only Nate did.

                Nate pulled my shirt off and his hands fell to exploring my chest. I gripped his hips and grinded my body against his, loving the moan it earned from him.

                His hands moved from my chest to my legs. He slowly slid his hands up my thighs, up higher. My body tensed against his touch as our lips continued to work together.

                He unzipped my jeans as my hands went to his. He helped me pull his jeans off before moving back to my jeans, tugging them partly down my hips.

                My bedroom door swung open and we froze, staring at each other in horror, too scared to see who was at the door. If it was my mom, she would freak out. My dad would probably go into shock, but he would get over it if I sucked up to him enough, so I was praying it was him.

                We both looked over and paled even more. Landon’s mouth had dropped open and he was staring at us in shock.

                “What are you doing here?” I asked at last, breaking the silence. I tried to sound casual, like he hadn’t just walked in on us about to have sex.

                “I…You invited me over,” he said, finding his voice.

                “You said you were busy until later,” I reminded him.

                “I finished what I needed to do early. I see you didn’t,” he said, still staring between us.

                Nate rolled off of me, blushing heavily and not meeting Landon’s eyes. He grabbed his jeans and hurried to pull them back on.

                I zipped up jeans, though they still hung haphazardly on my hips. I eyed Landon, trying to calculate what I should do next.

                “I didn’t realize you two were…uh…Okay, what the fuck did I just see?” He shut the bedroom door and leaned against it heavily. “Nate, you’re straight!”

                “Obviously he’s not as straight as you thought,” I grumbled.

                “Judeikas,” Nate hissed, glaring at me. He finally looked up at Landon. “Look, it’s complicated, okay Landon? Just…don’t tell anyone.”

                “Yea. Don’t tell anyone,” I said, the warning clear in my voice. I liked Landon, and he was one of my closest friends, but if he opened his mouth about this, he would face consequences.

                “I won’t tell anyone. I wouldn’t even know how to tell anyone,” he said, shaking his head. He rubbed his temples. “I don’t get it. What the actual fuck.”

                I stood up off of my bed, running a hand through my hair to fix it. “Do you have a problem with it?”

                “No!” he said quickly. “I just…Nate said he was straight…and you know never act like anything other than friends…”

                “Jude, your, ah, your jeans. You might want to pull them up a little,” Nate said, blushing as he glanced at me.

                “I’m not shy about my body,” I said, but tugged them up a little anyways.

                “I need to sit. I think I’m going into shock,” Landon said, going over and sitting down at my desk.

                “It’s not a big deal,” I said with a shrug.

                “It’s just weird,” he said, shaking his head again. “I mean, I never would’ve guessed. I always just figured you two were best friends and nothing more.”

                “Same as everyone else. Leave it that way,” I said, sitting back down on my bed next to Nate. We were still topless, and Nate was blushing, avoiding looking at either of us.

                “Let me guess; you want me to act casual about this and pretend I never saw anything,” Landon said with a sigh.

                I snapped. “Bingo.”

                “Alright Jude. I’ll pretend I didn’t see anything,” he said with a shrug. He probably knew what would happen if he kept making a big deal about it. He had known me long enough for that.

                “Let’s play video games,” I said, getting up and tossing Nate’s shirt at his face.

                I pulled my own on and we all sat on my bed with controllers in our hands. We began to play video games, easily slipping into casual conversation and game rage. And that was how I would sure everything stayed, or god help Landon.

                But as he looked over at me, the expression on his face told me he wouldn’t give us any trouble about it. I smirked and returned my gaze to the game. 

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