Other Prompts- Conversion Academy/The Stars That Night

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                Prompt: Can you write a prompt about Silas and Pete (from conversion academy) interacting with each other??

                A.N.- This takes place when they both went to high school together when they were a little younger!


                Silas stepped into the gym, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. They were doing physical fitness testing this week, and he knew what that meant.

                Sure enough, he watched as Pete entered the gym with a grin on his face that said he'd skipped his afternoon dose. Pete was heavily medicated with prescription pills, which usually forced him to be a pleasant enough person. But when he ditched the pills long enough for the effects to wear off, he was a proper asshole.

                Pete noticed Silas and his grin grew, walking right up to the other boy. Silas tensed up, ready for a fight if Pete decided to start one.

                "Ready to have me show you up in the testing?" Pete said smugly.

                "With that shit knee of yours? Good luck makin' it to the testing," Silas said.

                Pete glared, but he had shifted all his weight to one side to compensate for dealing with his bad knee with no pain meds. He forced himself to distribute his weight so he could stand up straighter.

                "How embarrassing would it be for Ray Edmon to see his nephew be a laughing stock in gym?" Pete said.

                "We'll never find out, 'cause I sure as hell ain't losing to you," Silas said, waving him away. "Go pop another pill and quit botherin' me."

                Pete swung a hit at Silas, but Silas threw his arm up to catch it. Pete grinned as his fist made contact with Silas's arm.

                "So physically quick for someone so mentally slow," he taunted.

                "Ain't the brightest, but I can break your nose pretty damn fast," Silas offered, clenching his own fist.

                "Nah, I'm not getting kicked out today. Not until I beat you," Pete said, dropping his fist and stepping back.

                Silas stayed on guard, even as Pete walked away. Pete went to lean on the wall a distance from Silas, testing out his knee.

                He knew he'd never be able to beat Silas in the pacer test or the mile run, but maybe he could show him up with pull-ups, crunches, and push-ups. He didn't care if Silas was being raised by an ex-marine and the owner of a successful gym; he was going to prove he was stronger.

                He wasn't really sure where the rivalry had kicked up, or if Silas even saw it as that. But Pete enjoyed the challenge. Before his knee injury, he'd always been one of the best in physical education, and striking up competitions with Silas nowadays kept him motivated even when his knee hurt.

                He'd ditched his afternoon medication just for this. He wanted to be thinking clearly for this.

                The coach entered the room and rounded everyone up. He led them over to the bars for pull-ups, making Pete grin.

                "It's not a competition. We're doing two at a time to get through it faster. Don't feel embarrassed if this isn't your specialty," the coach announced. "Who would like to go first?"

                "Me and Silas," Pete said.

                "Don't speak for me," Silas said.

                "Both of you go one," the coach said, gesturing them forward.

                Pete gripped the bar, and Silas gripped the other one. Silas shot an annoyed look over at Pete.

                "You ain't gonna show me up. Hope you know that," he said.

                "Start," the coach called, and Pete swallowed back his taunts as he pulled himself up.

                He and Silas were on beat at first, but soon they were both using their own methods to keep themselves going. Silas was focused only on the motions of lifting his own body up, trying to hold the form Ray had patiently taught him.

                Pete took his time lifting his body, knowing this wasn't going to be easy. He'd force himself to keep going until he saw Silas drop back to the ground. They had to be about even in terms of how many pull-ups they'd managed so far.

                Neither boy was willing to give up. As much as Silas wanted to brush off Pete's taunts, he also didn't want to give Pete the satisfaction of beating him. Back where Silas was from, it could be dangerous to let someone as trigger-happy as Pete know he'd won in a test of strength and endurance.

                After a few minutes, both boys were clearly tiring out. The coach watched them, impressed by how well both were doing.

                Pete grit his teeth as he dragged his body up again. He'd need to stop soon and he knew it.

                Silas kept himself going by thinking of that punch Pete threw. He wouldn't let Pete think Silas was weaker than him. Silas had to prove he was stronger. For him, it was safety. For Pete, it was pride.

                "Fuck," Pete snarled as he dropped to the ground, wobbling unsteadily on his bad leg.

                Silas dragged himself up a few more times to be safe before releasing the bar, sore as he hit the ground. The coach clapped, looking impressed.

                "Who had more?" Pete demanded.

                "Silas, by six," the coach said, looking at his clipboard. "Very impressive from both of you tho-"

                "Fuck," Pete repeated, glaring at Silas.

                "Told you," Silas said.

                By the end of class, Pete was even angrier.

                Silas had bested him at pull-ups and push-ups, and only barely lost to him at crunches. As they were dismissed to change, Pete cornered Silas in the hallway.

                "This isn't over," he warned.

                Silas raised an eyebrow. "What, you gonna beat me at the pacer? The mile? Limp along and get out of my face."

                "One of these times I'll beat you," Pete promised.

                "Don't care. Ain't a competition. Just didn't treat my body as recklessly as you, so it still works," Silas said, roughly shouldering past Pete. "Don't start fights you can't win. Dumbass."

                Pete clenched his fists. He was unaware this was the last time they'd have a physical fitness test together before he was shipped off to Constance Academy.

                Silas entered the locker room, hating the relief that he'd gotten the best two out of three today. He'd have to use this competition with Pete to keep himself physically fit. He wouldn't let someone that ready for a fight show him up.

                As annoying as Silas found Pete, and as infuriating as Pete found Silas, both reluctantly knew the other pushed them to work harder in their physical fitness.

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