Other Prompts- Jude/Nate #2

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Prompt: JUDE/NATE (NUDE): A first kiss, either something that happened previously when Jude was discovering his sexuality or something REALLY cute from when they were tiny lol. if in the present then Nate's upset about something and Jude is comforting him. If in the past n Jude starts the kiss, if in the present Nate starts the kiss

The other part of that prompt :)


                I raked a hand through my hair in frustration. I glared at my exhausted appearance in the mirror.

                “This can’t be happening. What will my parents say?” I mumbled to my reflection.

                I turned away and rubbed my arms, suddenly feeling cold. Would my parents reject me? My mom…

                I shook my head. “Quit worrying Jude!” I told myself sternly.

                There was a knock on my door and then it swung open. My dad stared at me in confusion.

                “Jude, are you talking to yourself?” he asked.

                “I just got off the phone,” I lied smoothly. “What do you want?”

                “Well, Nate just called the house. I told him that he could come over,” he said.

                “What if I don’t want to see Nate?” I said in irritation. “Did you ever think of asking me if I wanted him to come over?”

                “Are you okay? You’re usually eager to hang out with Nate,” he said with a frown.

                “Leave me alone,” I said.

                “Alright, sorry I bothered you Jude,” he said. “If you need anything, your mother is in the basement, and I’ll be in the living room. Nate will be here soon.”

                He shut the door and I sighed, sitting on my bed. I dropped my face into my hands, trying to clutch my emotions.

                I needed to get a grip. I had gone over this in my head a thousand times, and knew that my dad would accept me no matter what. My mom wasn’t homophobic , so she should accept me fairly easily.

                There was a knock on my door and I looked up as Nate let himself into the room. I found myself blushing as I realized that I wasn’t wearing a shirt. I had never felt uncomfortable topless in front of Nate before. What the hell was wrong with me?

                I got up and pulled a shirt on. “Hi Nate,” I said.

                “Hey Jude,” he said, coming over to me. “Are you okay? You look really tired.”

                “I’ve had trouble sleeping lately,” I said.

                “Why?’ he asked with a frown.

                “Because…” The lie died on my tongue and I sighed. “Because I’m pretty sure I’m gay.”

                He looked at me in surprise. “You like boys?” he asked, cocking his head to the side curiously.

                “I think so,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. “There’s a guy I think is really cute.” My face heated up.

                “But how do you know for sure that you’re gay?” Nate pressed.

                I moved closer to him. “Help me find out,” I said quietly.

                “How?” he asked, looking confused.

                I put my arms around his neck and brought my lips to his. To my surprise, he only hesitated for a few seconds before actually kissing me back.

                We broke away from each other, both of us blushing. I let my arms slide back down to my sides and waited for Nate to say something.

                “So…Are you…” He blushed harder.

                I eyed him, taking in his appearance. I nodded. “Definitely. I am definitely gay.” 

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