Other Prompts- Conversion Academy/Fixing The Scatter

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                Prompt: Could you make a CA and a FTS prompt where Kaz, Killian, Jude, and Staz meet and Kaz steals from either Jude or Staz or both (you chose)


                "Are you going to pay for my tea?" I asked.

                "Why would I do that?" Kaz said.

                "Because you stole my wallet," I reminded. "You see, Kaz, if I don't have money, I can't buy goods and services. Capitalism."

                "Might I recommend a nice five finger discount?" Kaz said.

                "Is that something kinky? It sounds kinky," I said.

                "Not everything is about sex." He tossed me my wallet. "I'll buy you tea. But only if you promise not to keep me up all night again."

                "What can I say? Two in the morning is when I give that good succ," I said.

                "I could almost hear the double C in that," Kaz said.

                "I can almost picture the D in that," I said.

                Kaz rolled his eyes and we entered the coffee place together. We went up to the counter, where an employee was busily trying to take care of the drive-thru line outside.

                "I'm sorry, I'll be with you in a minute!" she said, noticing us.

                Kaz shook his head. "Take your time, we're not in a rush."

                The girl looked immensely grateful and threw herself back into hurriedly making food and drinks. Kaz leaned against the counter, looking over as two boys entered together.

                They came up to the line and I hoped that Kaz didn't notice me eyeing one of them. He was dark featured and so attractive I wiped my mouth to make sure I wasn't drooling. The other one looked awkward, with a smudge of chalk on his cheek. He was fidgeting with his fingers.

                "Hope you're not in a rush," Kaz said. "The drive-thru is busy so it'll be a few minutes."

                "We're not in a rush," the dark one said. "We've got all the time in the world."

                "No we don't," the other one said, looking suddenly alarmed. "Jude, I have to be home for dinner!"

                "It's an expression, Staz. It's just another way of saying we have a lot of time," Jude said patiently.

                "Oh." Staz got a moody expression. "I don't like expressions."

                I looked over and realized Kaz was texting on his phone, barely paying attention. Good, that gave me a chance to look my fill of this hot dude.

                Staz suddenly frowned, patting his pockets. "Jude, where's my wallet?"

                "What do you mean? I saw you put it in your pocket when we got out of the car," Jude said.

                "It's not there!" Staz said, looking upset.

                I shot a glare at Kaz. His eyes were still on his phone, but the tips of his ears were red. Oh, I see you. You're not smooth.

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