Other Prompts- Galen/Liam #9

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Prompt: You did one for outside the lines where Galen is scared of storms so...could you do one like when he's a teenager and Liam is over there and it starts storming and he comforts him


"Wow, it's really dark out," Liam said, peering out of my window.

I pulled him away from the window. He was spending the night here and I was just hoping that it didn't start storming. I didn't need Liam to know how terrified of storms I was.

"Let's do something," he said, jumping onto my bed and watching me. "Video games?"

"Sure," I said, hooking up the system and tossing him a controller. "Resident Evil?"

"Hell yea! Let's kill some zombies. Bring it on!" Liam said.

I laughed and set up the game, sitting next to Liam. He leaned against me as we started to play the game, laughing and yelling at each other as we were attacked.

But then a low rumble of thunder reached our ears. I shrank down a little, my hands starting to shake. Liam looked over curiously.

"What?" he said.

I cleared my throat nervously. "Uh, it's storming."

"So? Galen, we're 17. We're not afraid of a little storm," he said, grinning smugly. "That's a fear for kids."

"Y-Yea," I said, trying to calm myself down. It was just a little thunder. It was fine. No need to embarrass myself in front of Liam.

But then a loud burst of thunder exploded and lightning flashed in my room. I grabbed Liam's arm, my body trembling.

Liam looked down at me in confusion. "Wait, you're seriously afraid of storms?"

I squeezed my eyes shut, nodding, whimpering as another burst of thunder erupted. Oh, man, he was going to laugh at me.

But Liam just put an arm around me. "Shit, sorry Galen. I didn't know," he said apologetically.

I opened my eyes, looking up at him. He helped me to sit back up and kept his arm around me.

"Oh, hang on!" he said, releasing me and standing up.

He shut my blinds and began to move furniture around my room a little. He grabbed some blankets and I watched, still afraid from the storm but a little amused as a blanket fort was created.

Liam tugged me under it and grabbed my speakers. He began to blast music, smiling and pulling me close again.

"There!" he yelled over the music. "I am a problem solver!"

I smiled a little, since usually only Dimitri could ever calm me down during a storm. Liam ruffled my hair a little, grinning.

I snuggled against him, closing my eyes and focusing on the music. Liam began to rub my back, soothing and comforting.

Liam wasn't always known for being nice, so I had been expecting him to make fun of me. I was a little surprised that he was being so nice about it.

After a few minutes, he got up and adjusted the blanket fort so that my TV was under it as well. He handed me my controller, turning the volume on the music up anytime the thunder got too loud. It was deafening, but better than the thunder. Plus, under the fort, I couldn't see the flashes of lightning anymore.

"Nothing will get your mind off of a storm like being murdered by zombies!" he yelled over the music.

I smiled at him. "Thanks Liam!"

His grin shifted into a genuine smile. "Anything for you Galen."

It was my turn to lean against him as we began to play the game again. I managed to forget about the storm as I found myself laughing with Liam again.

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