Other Prompts- Galen/Liam #1

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Prompt: Liam is jealous when another guy/girl flirts with Galen (before or after they're dating)

A.N.- Okay, you idiots got the idea in my head. So let me know what you think of the first ever GalenxLiam prompt! XD (Galen is from Outside The Lines and Liam is from Can't Even Think Straight) 


                “Galen, Galen, Galen!” I said cheerfully, bouncing over to my very attractive Russian boyfriend.

                “Yes?” he asked, looking up at me.

                “What do you mean ‘what’?” I said, raising an eyebrow at him. “When I come bouncing over saying your name, it means I want to kiss you.” I leaned over, pressing my lips to his.

                He kissed me back, but when we pulled away, he was blushing lightly. Galen was a quiet person, and not really a PDA type, so kissing him in the middle of the school hallway probably wasn’t my brightest idea. But I didn’t care. If I wanted to kiss him, then damn straight I was going to.

                I admired Galen’s appearance. He was wearing regular jeans that complimented his ass beautifully, and a T-shirt that hugged him just right. His soft brown hair curled at his neck, and his frosty eyes were as captivating as always.

                “Liam, you’re staring at me again,” he said, raising an eyebrow at me.

                “Because you’re hot,” I said with a shrug.

                He rolled his eyes. “Okay, thank you.”

                “Thank you? That’s when you tell me I’m hot,” I said.

                “I’ll tell you you’re hot when you’re hot,” he said.

                “That’s a little rude,” I said with a pout. “I’m your boyfriend. Tell me how good I look.”

                “You’re such a spoiled brat,” he said, kissing my cheek.

                “I am not!” I argued.

                “Yes you are,” he said, laughing. “You’ve always been spoiled. But I still love you, so it’s okay.”

                “I am not spoiled,” I grumbled, crossing my arms.

                “I’m going to go to class early so I can read for a little. I’ll see you at lunch,” he said, shutting his locker and slinging his bag over his shoulder.

                He started to walk away and I shook my head. Oh hell no. I wasn’t done with him. I reached out, catching his arm and dragging him back. I spun him around and kissed him, not caring about his embarrassment towards PDA.

                I released him, grinning triumphantly at the blush on his face. He dropped his head and hurried away from me. Yea, yea. He sure as hell wasn’t blushing when we made out alone.

                “Hey Liam,” a girl, Maria, said as she walked by me.

                “Sorry, taken,” I said, gesturing at myself.

                Maria sighed. “Oh Liam. Get over yourself. Not everyone wants your dick.”

                “I think everyone just wants me,” I said with a wink.

                “You’re so stuck up,” she said, laughing and walking away from me.

                I grinned and made my way down towards my class. Since my boyfriend had to ditch me to read books, I guess I would just go sit in class and talk with people until the morning bell rang.

                I froze as I entered the hallway. My eyes landed on Galen and the pretty girl he was talking to. He had a furious blush on his face and she was smiling and laughing at him.

                I glared at the girl, jealousy leaking into me. I recognized her as Lana, and boy did I hate her right now. That was MY boyfriend she was flirting with!

                I clenched my fists tightly and moved closer to them, trying to ease drop. I hid behind a group of kids, peeking over them to watch Galen and Lana.

                “It was just a kiss. It’s not a big deal,” Galen was saying, his blush getting deeper.

                “I think it means more than you want to admit,” Lana teased.

                “I didn’t say it didn’t mean anything. It definitely does. It just…ah…” He trailed off, his face adorable red.

                But my eyes narrowed at him. Was he cheating on me? Had this bitch kissed him? Had he kissed her back?

                “You’re so cute Galen,” she said, stepping closer to him, flirt clear in her posture.

                That was so freaking it! Galen was mine!

                I moved out from behind the kids and stormed over, shoving Lana away from Galen. They both stared at me in surprise.

                “She was flirting with you,” I said flatly.

                “She was?” Galen asked in surprise.

                “Did you kiss her? I heard you talking about it,” I said, crossing my arms.

                “What? No! She was teasing me about kissing you in the hallway!” he said, the color returning to his cheeks.

                I turned to Lana, taking Galen’s hand in mine. “This is MY boyfriend. He is taken. Don’t let me see you flirting with him again,” I said, glaring at her.

                “Uh…sorry Liam,” she said quickly before hurrying off.

                “Liam O’Doherty…Were you jealous?” Galen asked, grinning a little.

                “Don’t grin like that. You look like your brother. And there is no way in hell I would ever date your brother,” I said.

                “You were jealous!” he said, poking my arm.

                “Well of course I was jealous. Not only was a hot girl flirting with you, but I thought you cheated on me!” I said. I pulled him into my arms. “You are mine. I claim you.”

                “I’m not an object,” he pointed out, but smiled at me anyways. He peeked around before kissing me lightly on the mouth. “You’re adorable when you’re jealous.”

                “I’ll get jealous more often,” I said.

                He laughed and pulled out of my arms. “Okay, okay. I really am going to class now. I’ll see you later Liam.”

                “Goodbye MY BOYFRIEND,” I said, making sure everyone in the damn country could hear me. I laughed as Galen blushed and hurried away from me, a smirk coming to my lips since I knew he wouldn’t run away from me after school. 

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