Other Prompts- Outside The Lines/Just A Spark

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Prompt: So in Just A Spark Rio mentioned that he knew a guy who could quote the whole Hamlet play. I'm assuming that's the fabulous Dimitri so I was wondering if you could do one so we can see how they knew each other and how they interacted around each other


                I sat in English class, feeling beyond bored. The bell rang and I flipped open my book, pretending I knew what it was talking about. I didn’t like Shakespeare.

                Our teacher, Mrs. Slate, stood up to the board with worksheets in her hands. She began to pass them out and I didn’t even bother looking over as the door opened a minute later, knowing that it was Dimitri Ivanov. He was late to every class every day.

                Mrs. Slate shot him a dirty look, but didn’t bother wasting her breath. She handed me my worksheet and continued on to pass them out.

                “Alright, everyone partner up and start working on these sheets!” Mrs. Slate said. “And don’t forget that you have a quiz tomorrow!”

                “Trevor,” I said, turning to him. He and I sat next to each other. “Please tell me you understand Hamlet.”

                “I do not understand Hamlet,” Trevor said.

                I groaned. “Great. I sure as hell don’t understand it.”

                “Go ask Dimitri,” Trevor said. “He could help us.”

                I pouted. “You go ask him. He’s weird.”

                “Hell no, man. He’s too flamboyant for me,” Trevor said, laughing. “I figured you could connect with him on a spiritual level, you know? I heard he’s pansexual.”

                “I am not pansexual,” I huffed.

                “Yes, you are,” he said, giving me a little shove. “Now go ask him for help.”

                I shot him a glare. “You’re an ass.”

                “Hell yea I am,” he said with a grin.

                I sighed and got up, going over towards Dimitri, hating Trevor for making me do this. But I had to get this stupid worksheet done, and Dimitri was the best chance.

                He was easily scribbling answers on his worksheet, and the plain kid next to him was ignoring him as he talked happily. I stepped up to their desks and Dimitri glanced up.

                “Why, hello there blind boy,” he greeted.

                “I’m famous,” I said.

                “Well, you did lose your glasses in class one time, and it was quite an experience to watch you stumble around,” he said.

                “Glad that’s my legacy. And I did not lose my glasses. Trevor stole them,” I said, now having another reason to hate him. I forgot about the time he stole my glasses in class.

                “Is there something you needed?” he asked, a grin on his face. I never really liked this kid. He was too full of himself. And that’s saying something, considering I hang out with Trevor and Mitch.

                I waved the worksheet in his face. “Hamlet.”

                “Ah, yes, to be or not to be,” he said with a nod.

                “Yea, that whole thing. I barely even remember that speech,” I said.

                “Soliloquy,” he corrected. Then the freaking guy proceeded to quote the entire to be or not to be soliloquy.

                “Do you have that memorized?” I asked in disbelief.

                “He has most of Hamlet memorized,” the plain kid next to him said without looking up. I think his name was Theo. “He quotes it all the time.”

                Dimitri grinned. “Quite honestly, I could recite the play from memory. It’s been a favorite of mine since I was a child.”

                “You’re freaking weird,” I said. “But what’s the answer to this one?”

                Dimitri went on to easily help me with the worksheet. When I was done with it, I straightened up.

                “Thanks man,” I said.

                “Hamlet is quite a simple play to understand,” he said, that grin on his face again.

                “Hell no. It’s confusing,” I said.

                “Not at all. It’s dreadfully simple,” he said.

                “Are you calling me stupid?” I asked suspiciously.

                He spread his hands. “I am simply starting facts, blind boy.”

                “Whatever,” I said, rolling my eyes and walking back to Trevor.

                “Did you get the answers?” he asked eagerly.

                I slid him my finished worksheet. “I’m pretty sure that the flamboyant Russian kid just called me stupid.”

                “Yea, well, you don’t have to like the guy. As long as we get good grades on the worksheet,” he said, copying my answers.

                “He also called me blind boy,” I said.

                “You are blind, Rio,” Trevor reminded.

                “I can feel the love. Next time, you’re talking to that sparkly asshole,” I said.

                “Yea, sure, whatever,” he said, barely paying attention to me now as he copied the answers.

                “He can quote Hamlet from memory,” I said, shaking my head. “That kid is freaking weird. Whatever, as long as we pass, I guess I don’t even care that he basically called me stupid.”

                Trevor was completely ignoring me now. I pulled my glasses off and wiped them on my shirt. Next time, Trevor could deal with Dimitri. I didn’t like the kid at all. 

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