twelve ;

36 1 0

i woke up and see its almost nine . oh great! im late for my morning run . guess what? i guess im not going to the run then . i leave my queen sized bed and head to the bathroom . i look a bit mess with my crop top and shorts on . i look at myself in the mirror and smile before i start brushing my teeth . i take the toothpaste and start brushing my teeth . i sometimes wonder what my life is going to be if i'm not in the hollywood stuffs like this ? i mean i love to take pictures of people especially my mom's when she's on tour . i rinse my mouth then head to shower . i sing some songs and yeah i don't mind anymore because mother knows i've been working on some songs .

as usual i wraps the towel around my body and smile while looking at the mirror one more time and gets out . i am walking to my room right now and i feel like someone is staring at me . nah its just my instinct .

'l-lia,' i hear a man's voice and i quickly turns around and see jonathan-


'H-HEY-' i says and he smiles

'give me a minute i'll be ready hehe' i says again and he nods then go downstairs .

i close my bedroom door and my face is all red because i am super shy . i quickly get dress because i don't want him to wait for me . i reach out everything especially the script then leave my room . i go downstairs and see mom and him are having breakfast together . i feel bad because he's gonna think im lying to him about the morning run . im not lying i just overslept oh my god .

'i thought you're going to the morning run' mom ask as soon as i sit on the dining table

'i overslept mom' i says and look at jonathan who is eating his pancakes

'what time did you go to bed last night?' he asks

'four' i says and jon look at me straight in the eyes .


'what are you doing lia? its really late i mean i thought you're already asleep' mom says and i eat my food

'im sorry, i just you know write stuffs and yeah read the script thats all mom' i says and i look at the both of them .

mom left to work early meanwhile me and Jon are cleaning the table before we left to the set . i am washing the dishes and Jon is setting up the table properly again . i finish with the dishes and heads out from the kitchen i see that Jon is already waiting for me .

'so all done? we should get going now' he ask and i nod .

we talk a lot in the car ride like how excited everything is going to be on set . seeing the cast and crews are the best thing hehe . we arrive on set . everyone still looks the same except me and Jon who are already grown up from the last season *dont laugh lia nope* . we get in and jonathan and i get this seaquest uniform that everyone are wearing back in season 1 and 2 . finally my own uniform YES . we all go get change and already gathered at the place where we should all started it .

*lets go to where we are in the chatacters now*

'okay i guess everyone is here and who is that?' lucas ask one of the crews

'well i cant believe you forget who i am don't you?' camila turns back and lucas smiles while looking at her

'camila? look at you! and your new hair?' he ask and camila smiles

'hi wolenczak, i've missed you too, it's been so long and stop questioning about the hair' i says and he chuckles .

'where have u been ? i mean wow' he looks impressed .

'i've been at my grandparents with my mom . i supposed to quit seaquest this year but mom wanted me to continue and be like her so yeah im here' i says and he laughs .

'okay so we better go ? i mean the captain wants to give us the orders' he says and i look at him walk away

'wait aren't you coming?' he continues and i laugh.

'i believe that you'll always going to be working with me as teammates trust me wolenczak, no one's gonna separate us' i says and he smiles .

we all cast now move to the station where the captain is gonna give the orders and separate the teammates . i am fixing my hair and Jon is staring at me . he's like steps away because im standing right next to another casts that are new so hehe . i look at jon and he smiles at me . i smiles back .

the captain is kind of giving his speech and stuffs . jon's character is interrupting by saying stuffs meanwhile others just listen . im kind of tired because i am not having a good sleep but yeah i'll try to control everything .

'lucas , you and miss Rowe will be working together as teammates' he says and i look at jon and he smiles .

'as you wish captain' he says .

we get this half break . jonathan is teaching me some stuffs especially my face expression towards stuffs . i know i might be failing with expressions but he'd always help me when i needed it . after fifteen to thirty minutes, we are all set up again .

jonathan is kind when it comes to finding stuffs because the captain wants it and meanwhile the others are just looking at him and asking him .

'wait lucas, there is no need torush by searching it , if not we will find nothing' i says and jonathan looks at me .

to be honest, jonathan as lucas in season three is a bit scary because he's always serious .

'yeah lucas, camila's right, you should go for it slowly' commander tells him the same and he slowly search for the informations that he wants

after three to five hours of takes and out takes, we all finish the first and second episode in a day . its a bit late , i can't believe its almost 8 pm . i look tired as hell . i never even feel like this before . we all changed back to what we wear before we started shooting and says goodbye then leave .

'so how's the first episode and second going for you?' jonathan asks while driving us to starbucks to get coffee for both of us

'well its doing great i never feel so happy and tired at the same time ' i says and he smiles .

so i kind of tired and fall asleep,i guess jon needs to wake me up when we get to starbucks hihi. 

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