fifteen ;

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'AND CUT! can we do that scene again ? camila isnt ready' the director says and i nod .

i feel so bad today and distracted . i don't know why . i feel like I DON'T WANT TO go to work . i just want to lay on my bed and sleep alll day until im sick of sleeping!

'i guess camila should explain' commander says and i look at him .

'well, there's nothing to explain . look if any of this crashes into there or kind of messed up with the settings,we are doomed' i says and all of them look at lucas .

'but camila this is the only way where it should work' he says and i roll my eyes .

'its up to you wolenczak, im out' i says and walks away .

'AND CUT! GREAT JOB' the director says and everyone cheers .

now we are all going to set up for the next episode where we are going to be out from the ship . at first i disagree because i want camila to be in the ship but they said camila needs to be there because she needs to be jealous towards lucas and christine when they kiss .

i am so triggered . lucas ? christine ? kiss? I KNEW IT! there are going to be a kiss scene between jonathan and a girl . NO! wait why im acting this way? okay IM NOT OKAY. BUT , why im acting this way . WHYY! he's your cousin . stop it he have to do that . lia what are you thinking about . no one's gonna get hurt . shit stop it!

everyone are already prepared on the ship where they want to arrest christine . i am standing with the commander meanwhile lucas and the other one who are going to hold christine . when we all see christine walks in , lucas grabs her along with the other one who helps him .

'who are you guys!' she ask as i step out with the commander .

'lucas wolenczak' lucas says and i look at him .

'are you kidding me wolenczak?' i says and everyone starts to get annoyed of lucas because of that

then we are all going to run from the army and stuffs . lucas grabs christine's hand instead of mine's character's hand . i need to be jealous on that part as well .

'CAMILA!' one of the boy pulls me and run .

then ., we all get arrested for some questions asking . that sucks . my part looks like im the baddest bitch ever not going to lie .

'so what makes you and the others come here' the lead of the army ask and i chuckles

'we have important things to do and it's none of your business , in fact im just following them to help . now you better let me out from this room' i says and he let me out .

we have this half break . thats cool . im a bit tired right now . i take the food and eat it . im hungry so no one should attack me before i roast them .

'you okay?' jonathan ask and hands me the water

'yeah, just you know stress out a bit' i says and he drinks his water .

we haven't talk much today because we are too focusing on the parts and stuffs . now the scene where we are all going to wear the wet suit because we are going into the sea and the scene where CAMILA NEEDS TO BE JEALOUS . IM SO SO DONE .

'AND ACTION!' the camera rolls

we are all runinng to the sea meanwhile christine stops lucas .

'i always wanted to do this' she then pulls lucas for a kiss .

my face expression really does changes. from a smile to a literally a jealousy girl and also MY HEART IS BREAKING WHY THIS IS HAPPENING TO ME.

'okay wolenczak we better get going!' i says and they let go of the kiss

'Visit me sometimes!' christine gives him something and he smiles .

then we are all running to the sea to go back into our ship .


they are all talking but i make my way to the changing room to change my clothes . i dont know why i feel so jealous in real life . i should be jealous in the movie but yeah .

i can see the girl's who plays christine walks in . she taps my back and smiles at me . okay. why?

'hey,you left a little early,we are all get the food and here , jonathan wants me to give it to you' she says and i look at it .

'and jonathan is really good kisser .' she continues and i quickly snatch the food .

'i dont know,we are cousins and yeah,i dont know' i says and walks out after i got changed .

i walk out and accidentally hit someone , when i look up,it's jonathan . oh im so dead .


jonathan brandis

finally ! we are all finished for another two episodes today . everyone are here except Lia . where is she? why does she needs to get change very fast . usually she's the one who's going to have full conversations with the other girls cast . i want to check on her real quick, she looks really jealous . i can read the face expression of hers , she's not faking the jealousy, its the real one . i know her, every time she gets jealous, her face will turns out like that and she'll completely ignore everyone even though its not their fault . first of all, i tell the girl that i have the onscreen kiss with to give her the food . then i walk to the dressing room and kind of hear the conversations between the both of them . why does the girl needs to say that? she should've known that in the end lucas wolenczak will be with camila rowe. what's wrong with the girl? i feel bad for my cousin and i need to make it up to her . i know she's not going to talk to me but i have to try . i realise that she just went from 'okay a bit' to 'get off me' real quick . i know her for 18 years . i realise she's coming out and i pretend to walk towards her dressing room and she hits me . our blue eyes met, and she looks upset . oh jonathan, you really need to do something to make your cousin happy . 

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