twenty one ;

50 1 0

13th april . the date where my cousin was born . i can't believe he turns 19 today . he's still 9 years old to me haha! i ended up by not telling him anything about alex because i was so heartbroken . i look at the clock its 10 am . we are off set today and tomorrow because the director gives us break yeah im happy . i bet jon is having his 19th birthday party today . i know everyone are invited, i do too . i mean im attending the party without my mother because she's always busy lately, going on tour next week . i'll miss her . i have no present for jonathan . im not prepared . he's gonna hate me . i brush my teeth then head down for breakfast . mom isn't home . sad, i'm always living my life alone lately but thats okay . what should i buy him as a gift? what does he likes? i never know him much like he knows me . my birthday is on September 13 . he always said 'we have the same date so we are the twins with the dates' . i was like okay okay we are twinning the date but not month

i then turn on the tv and see the new episode of my previous tv show . i can see alex and catrina does some scene . fuck, that was my character and she stole it . i lost my job just like that ughhh! i flip through the other channel and see the movie that im in . i hate seeing myself onscreen but never mind and yeah, i love having the role with river , he's cool . cool onscreen boyfriend ehe. im so bored , i have two more weeks until my first day at the studio for recording session . im scared but whatever i'll do great hehe .

i go out for a while to find a perfect gift for my cousin , well as i know he loves to wear watch on his hand every time so im getting him that . he loves wearing black watch so i buy him that . i later then by myself some food because i am hungry, again for 362727 times today . why im always hungry today i don't know ahaahah . im funny and weird and complicated . i kind of buy some books for me to read , i love reading so much i mean its apart of my life to be honest . and i walk around the mall again . im all by myself today . i miss Jon . WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT LIA STOP! YOU'RE SEEING HIM TONIGHT .

i drive myself home . all of the high school friends are going to come, so does Jon's friends . he invited some of my girls friends and im worried . i know Riley will be there . i know she'll be saying that 'oh you're the one who kiss your own cousin' im doomed . i get home and wrap the present by myself . weird, i never wrap a present for people but maybe this is special for jonathan .

'dear jonathan, happy 19th birthday! i wish you all the best in your life . your acting career is way more better than me . i swear . eventhough you're 19,you're still a nine years old to me . well,im not good at writing wishes but i love you cousin,you're the best xoxo - lia'

i put the card in the bag and get ready . well its almost 7 , the party starts around 8:30 pm , i grab my light blue dress that i never wear . i don't know i never attend some sort of party before except homecoming . i put on my converse and i don't even wear make ups because i don't like it,i dont have glass slippers like cinderella . im not perfect but its fine . i grab his present and drive to his place . i bet everyone are going to look so beautiful meanwhile im not . why im thinking like that?

i finally arrive at his place, so many people attend also i can see my friends there . well i have to get out or else they're going to say 'is lia not coming? poor jon' oh this better be real . i get out from the car and all of them wave at me . i waved back . hehe . i talk to them before i get into my cousin's house

'is that true you kissed him!' steph ask and i nod

'yeah its pretty nervous at first but im okay' i laugh and they laugh too

'you must be very happy!' kaylee says and i shook my head

'first of all its weird kissing your own cousin onscreen i mean I NEVERRRR DO THAT' i laughs again so does them

we all get in and i meet some of his friends who likes me . i talk to them and have some laughs with my friends too . i cant even see jon . he must be getting ready . i can see riley . oh my god she's so stunning why the hell . i can see jon walks in . WHY HE LOOKS SOO GOOD MY HEART .

'okay so i just want to thank everyone who come to my birthday party' he says and his lock his eyes on mine .

jonathan finishes his speech and cutting cakes stuffs , then we are now all by ourselves, enjoying the party . jon is having fun with some of his friends meanwhile i am hanging with my friends . we talk about stuffs, i hear they are all applying for universities and i feel like i want to do the same but i cant . never mind .

'lia!' i hear chris,chris is one of jon's bestfriend and he had a crush on me since i was 16 .

'hey! oh my good look at you' i says and he hugs me .

'catch up with you later lia' they say and i nod .

'how are you?' chris ask and i smile

'im good and how are you chris? i havent seen you since the school prom we went together' i says and he laughs

'well im in university now,im taking some subjects that can leads me to be a doctor . by the way look at you lia! you're blonde now' he laughs and i laughs too .

i can feel that jonathan is looking at both of us having fun .

'ahh i see . good job with your life then' i says and he nods .

hours pasts and the party ended . i never even speak to jon,i swear like never today . i help him clean the stuffs . he sits on the table and i sit right next to him .

'you didn't touch the cake lia' he says and i nod

'because you didnt eat that too so im waiting for you to eat it then i'll eat that' i smiles and he smiles back

he cut his cake into one slice so we can share , i mean he's the sweetest person that ever exist in earth, the most adorable person i've known in my life . i just hope that his future girlfriend can take a good care of him .

'so you and chris' he starts . I KNEW IT!

'yeah we are just having some talks' i says and he nods .

'oh , some fun talk i can see' he tease and i look at him

'why? ohh wait! are you jealous?' i tease back and he looks at me

'ME? NO WHY?' he says and i laughs

'the way you say it jon i know you' i eat the cake and he laughs

'well dont be like a kid who eats a cake' he then wipes away the cream from my face and i smile .

'here, happy birthday' i hands him the gift .

'thank you , you're the best lia,erene got me a shirt meanwhile richard got me a fragrance' he laughs and i chuckles

'i guess our aunts pick them up for you not them' i says and he chuckles .

he hugs me . okay,im-.

'whyyy oh my god' i laughs and he let go of the hugs .

'because i , i appreciate you. you know , you're too perfect to be hurt by someone' he says and i smiles

'im sorry,i didnt even ready yet to tell you what happen between me and alex . im just not ready . i'll let you know when im ready jon' i says and he smiles .

i wish you're mine . my hearts says . what are you EVEN SAYING LIA EVE STOP!

'its okay,i just want you to know that you're precious lia' he says and i smiles while looking at him .

we both stares at eachother in the eyes and i just really want to kiss him so bad like god how bad i wanted him. he comes closer to me and kiss me . OKAY - . and i kiss him back . weird ,why are we so comfortable on doing this without having this feeling of 'weird' between the both of us .

'jon hey hey' i says and he stops .

'happy birthday . goodnight' i says and waves him goodbye .

'goodnight lia' he smiles and i leave .

i am really-dontknow what is going on . oh my god lia .

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