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laying on my bed, and trying to figure out how to do this science project . It saddens me a bit, because i've missed a lot of lessons at school lately due to the tv shows and other stuffs . i don't want to be labelled as 'dumb' or 'the girl who gets credit' in class because my classmates are kind of not happy with me these days by the acting career that i own, but i don't even care . i try to refer on my text book and say it needs to be done in pair but NO ONE is going to come and help me . UGH ! this is one of the main reason why i hate skipping school . i don't know who is my pair and yeah i need to do it alone now .

i start to write the report and listen to some songs too . Mariah Carey's songs is my favourite. i couldn't stop listen to it even though i've already listen to it for 373829282 times but yeah, she's the best . i hear my mom is already back home . great, i should take a look what she buys for me because i know she will buy something for me when she's out .

'Lia! can you help me' i hear her calling for me . i quickly close my science book and go downstairs .

i see mom empty handed , my aunt is here too and JONATHAN- is here . OKAY MOM IS CLICK BAITING ME . SHE - DO NOT- JUST- DO THIS JOKE AGAIN .

'now Lia , do me a favour by explaining to Jonathan about your seaquest audition' mom continues and i look at her with confusion.


'mom we-do -agree-on- not-telling-him-yet-'  i says and Jon tries to hold his laughs . great now im embarrassed .

'excuse me young lady? i don't even agree with you that. now the both of you should have the discussion . not keeping secrets' mom says and i nod while looking at him

'okay, okay fine. im sorry Jon, i didn't mean to keep it from you. so yeah, let's go to my room and talk about it' i look at jonathan who is smiling while looking at me .

'mom , it's fine really . i mean maybe she wanted it to be a surprise for me' jonathan chuckles and my mom along with aunt Mary smile while looking at him.

Jonathan follows me to my bedroom, i try so hard to not explode. im so shy to tell him that's one. two, i don't know how many season this tv show will have and third, im afraid there will be something in between our characters . ughhh just pray for yourself Lia .

'so do you mind explaining it to me now?' Jonathan ask and i nod

'okay fineeee . im sorry for keeping this between myself . i know we always let each other know about everything especially when it comes to our carrier but this time i couldn't even tell you because im scared okay? im scared that it will be so awkward between us' i stop because he's already laughing

'Lia, i would never going to let the acting careers make the both of us feels awkward, infact i've been looking forward to work with my own cousin . i mean yeah, when your mom told me that, i was like oh really? i cant wait to see how our roles are going to work out . please, don't be scared Lia , im really excited to act with you in seaquest' he smiles and i smiles back

'okay . uhm Jon' i says

'yeah?' he replies

'i need help for my science project it need to be done in pairs but i didn't even had a chance to go to school on that day where we should do this group project' i explains and Jon chuckles

'okay let's do it together. i'll help you' he says and i explain to him how it works .

i had so much fun that evening though, he helps me with everything for science because im not a fan of science stuffs and yeah i don't know how im going to be in that science fiction tv show . i mean i don't like science and i need to be in that tv show it's another level for me . i hope everything will be fine.

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