twenty four ;

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finally! we are at the studio for our photoshoot session . i can't believe we need to wear our seaquest's suit as well for this photoshoot session . well that's another part of amazing but not that fun . Jon and i have so much fun on set for the shoots, we need to do a lot of styles, looks and yeah the poses are different too . i need to hug him, he needs to hold my hand and other stuffs .they also ask us few questions about how we do the kissing scene and the both of us explain it to them how we manage to do it without feeling odd . everyone on the set are so so nice i mean tiger beat magazines crew are amazing, they're all so sweet and i like them . 

they also let me and Jon know that we are the iconic duo of cousins that can do onscreen kiss  without having the nerves . ACTUALLY I WAS HAVING THE NERVES . i don't know about jonathan, i bet he didn't . we are now heading home, Jonathan looks so happy on the set while we were working just now . i'm happy to see him acting this way, i mean i never see him so happy like that for such a long time . Jonathan stop by at wendy's as always to buy us some dinner because it's almost 6:30 in the afternoon, i prefer eating at home with him than in the restaurant.

we stop at my place, mom isn't gonna be home again tonight, she always comes home in the morning now . jonathan is going to accompany me and we will study the script together too . i mean it is going to be fun, a day with Jon is never boring i swear . also before we get at my place, we sing some aerosmith's songs together in his car because he likes him so much, i guess i'll take him to aerosmith's concert later when he had a tour .

 'you know i noticed that you eat the same thing over and over again, aren't you bored with that menu?' i ask jonathan and he shook his head

'never! i mean this is one of my favourite ever, nothing can change my mind' he laughs and i smiles .

'can i ask you one weird question?' i joke and he laughs

'OHHH WOW WOW, what's that?' he smiles and eat his fries

'so remember when i was busy filming this movie' i says and jonathan nods

'OH YES , before sunrise right? it's going to be on cinemas soon .' he smiles

 'will you uhm -' i don't even had the chance to finish my word then my phone rings'

oh im sorry give me a sec' i continues and i answer the call .well he looks disappointed . 

'hello may i speak to miss thompson?' i hear a recognisable voice

'hello yes? who's this?' i ask and he laughs

'well well well, you don't recognise me do you?' he laughs and i look at jon who is looking at me

'wait wait! leo?' i says and he laughs 

.'yes finally! now you better come outside, i have something for you' he says and i quickly take a look at the window and YES HE IS OUTSIDE .

'okay okay' i says and hung up the phone .

'oh great, romeo is here' jonathan tease and i look at him .

'come on you should meet him in real life!' i says as he follows me to the door , jonathan only stands in front of the door instead of going out .  

he doesn't like leo much i don't know why but i guess Leo have the same feelings like Jonathan did.

'lia!' leo says and i hugs him 

'OH MIGHT KEEPING THE DISTANCE BETWEEN 1 METER EACHOTHER!' i hear jonathan says and we both look at him .

'AND NO KISSING!' he added and i look at him .

'NO!' i mouthed him and he laughs

'is that jonathan?' leo ask and i nod

'yeah, have you two meet?' i ask and he shook his head .

'right now i guess . by the way i got you this' he hands me the red roses . i dont like red , i like white roses .

'OH NO LEO SHE DOESN'T LIKE RED ROSES!' jonathan continues and the both of us look at him

'CAN YOU NOT BE SO ANNOYING ! GET INSIDE NOW!' i says and he chuckles

'i love it dont worry leo,im sorry he's just you know hype.' i try to control my embarrassment . shit .

'so how are you lia? haven't seen you for in a long time' leo started and i nod

'yeah, i've been busy im sorry . i always told you i'll reach out to you but i keep forgetting it leo' i says and he smiles

'hey don't worry, at least i meet you now' leo added and i laugh . he's cute .

'AND LEO WHY DO YOU DON'T WANT TO TALK TO ME BUT YOU'RE TALKING TO MY COUSIN?' jonathan interrupts again, and i look at him .

'OKAY HI JONATHAN!' leo fires back and i look at him smiling


'is he always behaving like that?' leo laughs and i shook my head

'nah he's been acting weird don't worry' i laugh . 'okay then,i guess i'll call you' leo says and i nod .

'yeah , okay' i hugs him and he laughs .

leo get closer to me and i do too . WAIT IS HE GOING TO KISS ME . he then presses his lips on mine, i kiss him back . OK HE DOES KISS ME. I- OH MY GOD HELP

'LIA COME ON!' i hear jonathan and i let go of the kiss .

'i'll call you lia' leo smiles and i nod .

i get in the house and i know jonathan saw that . what have i done . i should make it up to him this time .

'so you and romeo,' he starts and flip on his script

'no nothing happen between us' i cut him off and he look at me

'then what was that?' he ask and i look at him

'that was nothing jonathan i swear to god he's the one who kissed me' i try to state the fact

'i know you're going to hate me because of that but it didn't even feel the same way like you kiss me' i accidentally says that and jonathan looks at me . fuck, i shouldn't say it.

'is there something that you're wanting to tell me lia?' he asks . 

god . im dead .i love you . NO STOP WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

'i am confuse with myself i guess that's all don't worry about me jonathan' i smile and he smiles back .

'you're tired lia, come on, lets go to your room' he says and i nod .

the both of us sit on the bed,i know jonathan have something to say to me but he don't even say it .

 'lia i,i just' he says and i look at him

'you just what jonathan' i ask and he looks at me'

i just like this one girl' he says and i have no idea what to say . but my heart aches

'oh really? have you tell her?' i ask and he shook his head 

'not yet, im just scared that she's not going to like me back thats all and yeah,i think she likes someone else' he says and i hold his hand

'dont worry ,okay? there are a lot more girls out there who can treat you better than her jonathan i promise' i smiles and he smiles

'what about you?' he says and i look at him .what does that mean? okay? what is that what he's trying to say? what about me what? is he having a mutual feelings like i do towards him or it's just my thoughts that just want me to believe that it's true meanwhile it's not. im a mess

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