➼ 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧

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'i just want to see the way you both work together as actors!' that's what i hear from mr foster .

 god im so dead like Jon and i never been in a movie or tv show together . we just got the first role for the tv show that we will be in together. 

'but mr foster i disagree' i say and Jon look at me . I know i am dumb by disagreeing but i have to. I'm sorry Jon.

'what are you talking about miss Thompson?' mr foster ask and i think i might die because im afraid of him HELP .

'no mr foster she's just confused .' Jon added and mr foster walk away . Im dead is he okay? 

Jon and i both look at each other and laugh. well, it's kind of funny but im nervous too at the same time because of this role play thing. mr foster is handing the title for our short drama . i kind of hate this . a lot of people are getting love stories like WHO WANTS THAT! I DONT- but im sure Riley is if it's with Jon.

'and for the both of you, you both should do Romeo and Juliet' he says and i almost drop my book. WHAT IN THE WORLD? ROMEO AND JULIET? PLEASE I AM COLLAPSING. 

'when should we perform this on entire class?' Jon ask the teacher and he smiles

'The both of you will be playing it on Thursday' he says and i remember one thing .

Thursday? on thursday, the both of us will be going to start filming seaquest and YESSSS WE DON'T NEED TO DO THIS!

'oh , we are really sorry mr foster but on thursday the both of us need to go for shooting session for the first episode of the tv show that we're in together' jonathan explains .

'its okay then, the both of you are excused . but if you guys still can do it then just do it okay?' he smiles and walk to the other students .

Jon smiles while looking at me who is trying not to be so happy after i hear 'excused' word from mr foster .

'i know you are happy' jon says and i laugh

'i am! i mean romeo and juliet? i dont want to okay' i say and he chuckled

'why do you don't want to tell me that you went to the audition for seaquest?' he questioned . oh great aren't we finished that two days back or he's just disappointed on me for not telling him.

'i know you're upset' i continues

'i am . we supposed to tell each other everything Lia , we promised that' he said and i look at my friends who are looking at me , who is having the entire conversation with my cousin.

' i know Jonathan but look i was about to tell you that i went for seaquest audition but when you told me you went there too , i knew who you are going to be in that tv show . i knew what you will played as a character because there will be only two teenagers are going to be in the first season . I was auditioning for this girl character name Camila and they told me that they were also looking for a boy for that teenage boy role . i was not care because i was doing the auditioned while introducing my character to a boy name Lucas Wolenczak . and yes when you said that i was surprised' i says and Jon looks at me with I want more explanation from you Lia

'look , i know i might messed up the cousin relationship between us but believeeee me Jonathan, i didn't even mean to lie to you' i continue and he looks at me again .

'then what is wrong for me and you being together on a tv show Lia? are you embarrassed?' jonathan ask and i shook my head .

why he's saying that i am embarrassed while working with him . Gosh i feel super bad now.

'im not embarrassed! its just like people are going to say we are lying that we are related to each other' i replies and he laughed

'Lia , all of my friends know that we are related .' he says and i roll my eyes at him

'but mine doesn't! Look, they don't even trust me except some of them who are really close to me . but believe me Jonathan Gregory, i swear to god ,im really really excited to be in that tv show with you for real' i almost shed my tears due to i am feeling bad and Jonathan laugh .

'hey don't cry! im not that upset, i was just testing you . you know, if we might have any argument scenes' he chuckles and i laugh a bit. 


'its not funny Jon! i swear!' i pout and he pulls me into his hug.

'there there, im sorry okay? so i hear that aunt miranda is busy at the studio today' he says and i nod

'yeah, mom is always busy with her new songwriting and she's planning for the tour dates now . i might going to walk home or maybe take the bus today' i says and Jon laughs

why he keeps laughing at the things i say. 

'oh come on, i can always drop you off and pick you up anytime you want Lia . why you do't want to let me know that aunt miranda will be busy the whole day?' he ask

'well i don't want you to, you know worried about me by staying home alone' i reply and he laughs

'okay fine, im not going to worry this time . i promise' he smiles and our blue ocean eyes meet again for the second time today .

the bell rings and it breaks the staring moment between us . it's recess , i have history after this . i better be hurry .

'so, see you after class?' jonathan smiles .

'yeah, see you' i smiles back .

'take care,' he hugs and waves me goodbye.

he does cute. not lying but never mind.

i smile while walking to the cafeteria for recess . i don't even expect to have such a wonderful cousin like jonathan , he always know how to make me feel better every single time when we are having conversations . i better hurry before i get detention by getting in class late .

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