nineteen ;

35 1 0

this time im trying not to freak out because THIS KID sees us kissing . what if she tells my mom and aunt Mary about me and Jon . WAIT WHY IM SO SCARed OKAY- .

'woaahh do you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend?' she ask and i shook my head

'no erene! we are just practicing for the you know show tomorrow' i says and she smirks .

okay this kid-

'its true erene! nothing happen between us' he backs up even more and erene laughs .

'you guys are afraid for me to tell aunt mary and aunt miranda . im not going to tell them! i love lucas and camila so much!' she says and i feel so relief.

she then walks back in and i look at jon . jonathan laughs, so i am i . this is funny i swear,but thank god she's not going to tell my mom or my aunt about this .

'why makes you think you're bad?' he ask and i kind of refuse to answer that question .

'why do you kiss me just now?' i ask him back and he smiles

'why ? is it wrong ? cousins cant kiss?' he says and i nod

NO NOT AGAIN WITH THE ' oh what cousins cant kiss' PLEASE

'it is wrong!' i says and he laughs .

'nah forget it lia,come on,lets go inside.' he says and i stands up .

he helps me stand but then he try to push me in the pool so i pull him aswell then the both of us are in the pool . soaking,wet. . he gotta be kidding me . i have no spare clothes! he have his clothes because he sometimes stays with grandmom and some of his stuffs are here .

'JONATHAN! LIA!' i hear our moms and the both of us stop laughing .

'lia ! you know you don't even have spare clothes!' i hear my mom and jon laughs at me

'MOM IT WAS JONATHAN! HE'S THE ONE WHO PUSHED ME!' i says and he mouthed my mom with 'NO'

'JONATHAN!' aunt mary says and we both laugh

'you both are grown ups but still act like kids . now jonathan let her borrow one of your shirt upstairs' aunt mary continues and jonathan nod

'LOOK YOUR SCRIPTS ARE ALL WET!' mom says and the both of us try not to freak out

'its okay ma,i can you know,dry it with my hair dryer' i laugh and my mom laughs as well oh yes,my aunt laughs too

'now you guys better get change, we are going home soon' aunt mary says and the both of us nod .

i splash the water to jon and he splashes it back to me . fun . we havent hit the pool together for years .

'well the fun is over jon lets go' i says and get out from the pool , he does that too .

we walk in soaking wet,all of our cousins be like 'YOU GUYS DONT CALL US FOR JOINING U!' then they are now hitting the pool , i guess this party is going to be longer than i thought . we get into his room at grandmoms . wow,he really spend most of his time here i guess .

'okay so which shirt do you want?' he ask when he opens his wardrobe

'can i have your flannel?' i jokes and he laughs

'seriously? okay which one' he ask and i am trying not to freak out-

'i really love the green one' i admit and he smiles .

'really? i should wear it often'


'yeah i love that.' i smiles and he hands it to me .

'now you better change,im going to change my clothes too' he says and i get out from the room and go into another room .

i put on his flannel and i find my shorts in this room . oh yeah,i left some of my clothes in this room because i was having sleepover at grandmom's . i put it on then take along my soaking wet clothes out with me . i can see jonathan already downstairs . their about to leave . my mom is wondering where i am . well im just gonna hide until jon leaves .

'im sure she'll be down soon, wait i'll check on her' jonathan says and head to the stairs .

'im coming okay?' i says as he stops before i goes down .

'so im leaving, see you? tomorrow? and here's your script' he hands me it and i smile

'thanks and see you tomorrow . i might be driving to work tomorrow' i says and he shook his head

'nah nope, im still picking you up i promise' jonathan holds my hand and i look somewhere else

'lia, im serious!' he says and i laughs

'okay wolenczak,' i stick my tongue out and he laughs

'see you tomorrow camila' he hugs me and i hugs him back .

he's about to kiss me and i do the same but then-

'JONATHAN ARE YOU THERE?' aunt mary calls and i laughs

'you should go jon,' i says and i push him gently . i kiss him on the cheek . he smiles .

'you know,you're the best cousin i have' he says and go downstairs .

i sit on the stairs and smile all by myself . am i in love with my own cousin and that is the craziest thing that ever happen in my life right now . no lia you're just having fun . stop the emotions and callmmmmm down . okay lets go home .

it is really tiring after the party,i swear i couldn't even study one more line before i go to bed now . i flip through the pages of the script and see another scene of kissing between lucas and camila . how many times we have to do this . uhm weird . first of all lucas met camila when he wasn't signed up for seaquest in the first episode and then they are like a thing now . this storyline makes me CRAZY .

i lay on my bed and trying to not be so overthinking towards what happen to me today . first of all he kissed me after he sent me back home , second by the pool and third WE ALMOST KISS ON THE STAIRS. LIKE how Is THIS thing HAPPEN . why he doesn't even want to answer my question about why he kiss me . its hard to make him answer the question . i should sleep before i have the mood to study the script .

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