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"Hey, loser." Hyewon's head shot up, eyes meeting a smiling Sicheng. The latter slid into the vacant seat next to the girl and made himself comfortable.

"Good morning to you too." Hyewon greeted, smiling at her best friend. It was an early morning in autumn, their second semester just starting, and the two were sitting by a picnic table on campus.

Sicheng looked over at the girl, who had diverted her attention back to the book she had open in front of her. He sneakily tried to peek at what she was reading. Noticing this, she quickly pulled the object away, blocking Sicheng from seeing. "Aw, come on. I'm just curious," the Chinese boy whined.

Hyewon simply shook her head, cheeks flushed from the thought of Sicheng reading her book. She knew that she'd never hear the end of it when he finds out about the vampire book she was reading. Sicheng tried reaching for the book that was held behind Hyewon's back, but the latter moved it away just in time to miss his hands.

Sicheng attempted to grab the book multiple times, but Hyewon simply maneuvered the book out of his reach. Pouting, Sicheng tried once more. He made use of his height to reach for the book Hyewon held over her head. But just as he was about to grab it, the girl tried to further the distance. Sicheng lost his balance, resulting in him tipping the both of them over. Now, basically pinning the dark haired girl against the hard, wooden seat of the table.

Gasping, Hyewon stared up at the boy, who seemed to be in equal amount of shock himself. The two friends blinked rapidly, both at a loss of words at that moment. It felt like an eternity of them in that position, but when they heard someone clear their throat right next to them, Hyewon's eyes grew wider. She watched as Sicheng smirked at her, before lifting himself off the small girl, then pulling her up.

Four pairs of eyes stared at the two and Hyewon awkwardly coughed, while Sicheng still wore that same smug smile.

I will kill him. Hyewon thought, quickly shooting the boy a glare.

"I want to allow my curiosity to get the best of me, but I think I'm better off not knowing why the two of you looked like you were about to kiss at 8 in the fucking morning." Mark said, a chill traveling through his body as he shook his head in disgust.

Jaehyun chuckled, sliding in the seat across from the two best friends. Renjun eyed the two suspiciously, before sitting down next to his boyfriend, Haechan.

"Excuse me, but that's ridiculous. We're best friends, why would I ever want to kiss..." Hyewon placed her hand in front of Sicheng's face, waving it in a circular motion. "... that" she said, voice dripping with disgust.

Sicheng's smile momentarily fell, but he quickly covered it up with a little laugh. "So true. She's ugly, anyway." he nonchalantly said. Hyewon gasped in offense, slapping his shoulder.

Haechan was about to make a remark, when a loud voice caught the attention of everyone at the table. "Sorry, sorry! Coming through!" the group of friends watched as a small girl came running through the crowd of students, in a rush as usual. Finally, reaching the table, she heaved a sigh, swiftly fixing her disheveled appearance. "Good morning!" she chirped, smiling at everyone.

"Morning, babe." Mark said, hugging the girl before placing a kiss on the crown of her head. Everyone immediately started making fake gagging noises at the sight of the couple. "Urgh, whatever. You're all just jealous." Mark said, leading Aeri to take a seat next to him.

"Uhm, have you seen my boyfriend? I think y'all should be the jealous ones." Haechan retorted, speaking of the boy sat beside him. Renjun rolled his eyes, acting annoyed yet couldn't hide the smile that made it to his face.

Hyewon watched the happy couple, adoration in her eyes for her friends who are happily together. She instinctively turned her head in Sicheng's direction, meeting his eyes as it was already on her. She stuck out her tongue at the boy and he chuckled at her childish acts.

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